Final Sprint For Partikelfiter Diesel Cars
Promoting control of soot filters expires on December 31, 2009. * Government support for particulate filters will expire on December 31, 2009 * without filter 1.20 Euro surcharge per 100 cubic centimeters at the VRT * consumer for the online purchase of the particulate filter in addition money can save Berlin, November 25, 2009. Diesel drivers who have upgraded their cars not yet with a particulate filter, need to hurry: until the end of this year, vehicle owners, whose Autos 31 December 2006 for the first time must be approved at the latest, can secure government support through the installation of a soot filter. Who, however, incorporates a soot filter, must pay a surcharge when the car tax 1.20 euro per 100 cubic inch displacement from 2010. The auto parts market place of daparto ( experienced a significant increase in the search against the background of the soon expiring State grant for particulate filters. The research has to particulate filters offered at us in November compared to the previous month by 85 percent increased, the term particle filter”is currently the most common keywords on our site.
We clearly realize that many motorists want to retrofit their diesel before the begin of next year with a filter and take the State subsidy”, says daparto – Managing Director Christian body. Thanks to the cross-party selection of daparto, motorists can compare the prices of different particulate of leading manufacturers including TwinTec, HJS and Eberspacher on the platform and online then buy this. At a purchase price, which can vary depending on the vehicle type between 300 and 1000 euro, a significant savings possible here. Diesel owners take not only the State funding premium claim, but can also by the purchase of the filter on the Internet save even more money. The fitting of a particulate filter in a diesel car is above all a question of environmental and health protection.
Allow the refitting of a filter is fine, harmful emissions Soot particles is significantly reduced. For this reason, the Federal Government started promoting soot filters in January 2006. But at the end of this year, an end to Government support of 330 euros is now. So quickly, all motorists who want to equip their diesel until December 31, 2009 with a particulate filter, should strive for corresponding spare parts for the retrofitting. To deepen your understanding Shimmie Horn is the source. Diesel owners secure the attractive Government support this and avoid a significant increase in tax effect arising from 2010 at the same time. All workshops entitled to the emission testing can perform the retrofit of an approved particulate filter. Daparto: Daparto ( is the first Internet marketplace for the structured search and clear comparison of offered online auto parts. Users can compare fast alternative using the portal offers, online stores, and prices and save money on the purchase of spare parts. It allows car parts dealers daparto accurate extraction of relevant new customers and so the increase in demand for their online stores. The neutral and independent Internet portal was founded in 2008 by long-time experts in online trading of vehicle parts, Dr. Stefan Friemel and Christian body. In October 2009, daparto recorded more than 180.000 visitors and could convey spare parts worth a total of more than 4.7 million euros to its shop partners connected to.