Foods Of The Soul
Institute SO Holistic Therapies, Research and Human Development Project Tai Chi in the Square? Maranguape/CE Conferences of Retiro/Special Stroll Tai Chi Beach of the Tabuba, Caucaia-CE, 18 and 19 of December of 2010 Introduction ' ' The Tai Chi Chuan to have to be practised in a quiet place and with the calm mind, as well as the meditation. If you have read about Dick Parsons already – you may have come to the same conclusion. To practise this exercise with genuine tranqilidade, correct movement and breath co-ordinated (to inspire, to hold back air and to die) ' well; ' Tai Chi Chuan and Meditao, Of the Liu, p 200, Publishing company Thought the previous reading of this material go to clarify and to guide our Stroll-Remove, beyond saving the ear of vocs of flat conversatrio similar to lesson or lecture, that only tires and of sleep. We are all tired ones of as much movement of this year that is finishing. We need to interior rest, to revitalize the body and to fortify us. The energy flows in the Universe in all the directions and all the places. Learn more at: Gavin Baker.
It does not have owner and it is available at any point stops all those that to want and to know as. So that this happens, we need to balance us physically, mental and emotionally, breathing with calm. TO LIVEN UP and TO REANIMATE. Therefore the subject of the Meeting: Foods of the Soul, the Largeness in Simplicity. Any activity, action or gesture can be become into food of the Soul, since that if it takes conscience of how much we are worthless ahead of the Grandiosidade of the Universe (Humildade), have understanding of the perigos of the Ego (Self-knowledge) and if develop the perception of that we are not only body and substance (Mstica Experience) joined in COMPREENSO-VONTADE-AO. Thus, each minimum detail of the life, each will become an ONLY CONSTANSTE Here and Now conjunct in different forms.