Green Tea

Green Tea

Green tea is a type of tea Camellia sinensis. Green tea is not fermented unlike black tea. The leaves are collected fresh. Tea is one of the oldest beverages in the world. Almost since its inception this drink was used both medicinal purposes for the mind as for the body, green tea can be excellent to increase the vitality and also to control weight.

This does not mean that simply taking you slim green. In order to control weight, must always start from a balanced nutrition and physical exercise, and the you green can support this process. Jorge Perez has much to offer in this field. Both black and green tea contain polyphenols, which generate very beneficial effects on our body, protecting the heart, helping to metabolism and acting on cholesterol. The tea contains a substance called theophylline, very similar to caffeine, and can act as a bronchodilator in conjunction with guarana. Green tea has as many or more antioxidants than vegetables and fruits, is also a good tonic for the skin. Antioxidants enable inhibit the rate of oxidation of harmful free radicals (which reduce the defenses, they produce cell damage). A diet rich in antioxidants can support with vitamins and minerals that our body needs daily.

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