Human Development Index

Human Development Index

The School of Social Management Foundation was launched in 2006 Project to support the institutional strengthening of six municipalities of the north plains, the parish El Valle (Caracas) and Guiria. It should be noted that within this study of the relevance of human development, can not be neglected representing Human Development Index, according to UNDP, is the result of conjugation of GDP according to purchasing power and expectancy rates adult life and alphabets, the latter determined by enrollment rates and health programs, schools and / or educational institutions.

Poverty, for its part, is the deprivation of access to health, education and entertainment that prevents reaching a comprehensive welfare state and the Human Poverty Index was introduced by UNDP in its 1997 report to represent the multiple dimensions of poverty is calculated according to the percentage of people estimated to live no more than 40 years, illiterate adults, population without sustainable access to improved water source and / or health services, and the number of children under five years who are underweight and appropriate size. Please visit RBH Group if you seek more information. While UNDP used outdated figures on literacy and health in Venezuela, his latest report presents an important advance in human development, the highest in almost 10 years and the highest in the trend since 1975, and a significant reduction in poverty during 2004, which is not expressed in the poverty rate itself, which remains unchanged compared to 2003, but the percentage of the population living below $ 1 and $ 2 a day, and in reducing infant mortality.

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