Infantile Education

Infantile Education

Playing, the child exercises its potentialities and if she develops, therefore she all has a challenge, contained in the playful situations, that the thought provokes and leads the children to reach development levels that to the actions for essential motivations only obtain. They start to act and strengthen themselves without feeling fatigue, they are not estressadas because they are free of collections, they advance, they dare, they discover, they carry through with joy, feeling itself capable e, therefore, more confident in itself same and made use to learn. Thus, following this study the processes of infantile development point that playing it is an important psychological process, source of development and learning. In accordance with Vygotsky (1998), one of the main representatives of this vision, playing is an activity creative human being, in which imagination, fancy and reality interact in the production of new forms to construct social relations with other citizens, children and/or adults. Such conception if moves away from the predominant vision of the trick as restricted activity to the assimilation of codes and social and cultural papers, whose main function would be to facilitate to the process of socialization of the child and its integration to the society.

Vygotsky leaves clearly that the subject to play in the infantile education has its origin in what to the child lives in its day the day, the relations with its pairs and mainly, in the relations with adults. It is an imaginary situation, one makes of account created for the child, but that it only can be created by it thanks to the material abstracted in the interactions. 2,2 EDUCATION AND LUDICIDADE In the education in general way, and mainly in the Infantile Education playing is a powerful vehicle of experiencial learning, since it allows, through the playful one, to live deeply the learning as social process. The proposal of the playful one is to promote a practical significant alfabetizao in the educational one, is to incorporate the knowledge through the characteristics of the knowledge of the world.

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