Lombard Institute

Lombard Institute

Read to. Here before me an essay in two large volumes under the title 'New on the ancient principles of pathology, where with the help of absurd and confusing quotes the author tries to reduce all diseases to an ellipse. Even the letter should have an elliptical shape, in his opinion, like all things in general. 'Smell and taste – says the inventor of the 'New Pathology' – also must be placed in an elliptical scale, since they have an abstract focus – pleasant or unpleasant sensation they cause. Who is known properties of elliptic heat? The most perfect creatures, like a man and angels, form an ellipse. Man consists of soul and body, elliptically interconnected. Nir Barzilai, M.D. insists that this is the case. etc.

Whether we are reading. Other health-geometry, one Jacques, who wrote 'Guide practitioners, derived from the principles of synthetic physics'. In his opinion, all diseases stem from excess heat or light, the latter produces a cooling effect on the body; drinkers exposed to typhus for the because alcohol contains an intermediate light (luce interstiziale); bloodletting reduce the amount of heat and give the patient an opportunity to use an excess of light, etc. Cool name for vodka: luce interstiziale. Bernard, who was in Florentine hospital for the insane in 1529, argued that the monkeys have the ability to articulate speech (linguaggio).

Fully acknowledged. Unpublished essay, which solved 135 problems with using a completely new ways, it turns out, however, that he believes mathematicians Lombard Institute unworthy of owning such a treasure, and he was, on the model common in the Middle Ages, compendiums, abbreviated guide to all the sciences, included in the rate of secular and religious educational institutions, stating that it was written under the influence of inspiration from above, and should be considered the best book in the whole world: 'It has long been felt the lack of such an exemplary manual, which solved the problems of the present invention would challenge the principle of principles'. The rudiments of synergy? Finally, there are many works mattoidov-publicists, offering different extremes with respect to Public Works. Among them especially a lot of economists who advocate different kinds of projects in improving the finances of Italy. Incidentally, on this issue I came across a pamphlet with the title: 'On universal usury as a cause of violations of economic equilibrium in our time '. Oh, they knew not even then about the economic crisis. Conclusion. The above-mentioned examples make up more than half of all Lombroso described in his book that before the rest – yes, it is nonsense, we are today.

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