Narrative Environment

Narrative Environment

So from the window, a oteaba the environment: the Cathedral, the port’s entrance, the fishing village of Casablanca, the roofs of buildings. The Cuban flag that flies atop the Castillo del Morro at the entrance of the bay, he indicated the direction of the wind and sea curls made him suddenly realize where the good winds blowing early. The conditions were favorable for fishing then the needle and the narrator, after showering, put on an old khaki pants, a shirt either, dry moccasins down to breakfast before heading to the boat. Sometimes in shorts, slippers Basque, almost always without socks and a light shirt, he was seen walking down the street Obispo.

In a Islas in golfoa , another of his books, to evoke the characteristic smells of that road during the years of the 30s of last century: the flour sacks and stored in the dust of flour, of the newly opened shipping boxes, the smell of roasted coffee, which the writer was a feeling stronger than a drink in the morning, the delicious smell of snuff. Of course, during their stay at the Ambos Mundos did not neglect his passion, writing, as recognized many years later when he had even moved his residence and Havana for another site. In 1958, in his famous interview with George Plimpton, recalled: a The Ambos Mundos in Havana, was a good place to work .. Management still remains almost intact, the hotel’s fifth floor room used by the American writer..

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