Political Research

Political Research

The Asian country, main American creditor, has demanded security for its interests. If you are not convinced, visit Shimmie Horn. They blame the government of Obama of " addiction to endeudamiento" and inmiscuir itself in " political fights without vision of futuro". Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Gensler San Francisco. China owns 70% of the reserves of the USA in dollars. Standard & Poor' s reduces the qualification of the debt of the United States for the first time in 70 years. China, main creditor of the United States and possessor of 70% of its currency reserves in dollars, has criticized with hardness the Government of the United States after the consultant Standard & Poor' s would lower the qualification of its debt for the first time in history, and demanded security for its interests. With 1.16 trillions of dollars in treasury bonds of the United States and 3.2 trillions of reserves of foreign currency in dollars, that the American debt happened to be AAA (maximum possible qualification) to AA+ generated a strong malaise in Beijing. Official agency Chinese Xinhua has published a publishing duro in which it assures that the decision of the qualification agency is " an invoice that the United States must pay by its own addiction to the indebtedness and its political fights without vision of future in Washington". " China now has all the right to protest to the United States that corrects the structural errors of their debt and guarantees the security of the assets in dollars of China" , it affirmed Xinhua.

At the same time &quot protested; international supervision " on the American currency and &quot went further on when proposing like alternative to the dollar; a new currency of reserve stable and assured at level global" in order to avoid the world-wide dependency of the green ticket. Days back Chen Daofu, director of the Political Research center of the Council of State of China, had warned already of the necessity to look for investment alternatives Chinese reserves and to change to the composition of these &quot to them; it is a crucial challenge for the political advisors in Pekn". With respect to the future, Xinhua indicated in addition that to not trimming " gigantic military cost " and the costs of the new system of forecast universal partner l arranged by Obama, Standard & Poor' s could still more reduce the qualification of the American debt. Anyway, Economist j of the State Information center of China, Fan Jianping, only considered that the American indebtedness will mainly affect the financial markets and, in background, to the commerce. The analyst predicted a fall in the exports of the Asian country but, bound more to the problems of Europe that to the American indicators. " One hopes that the exports of China, of great weight in the growth of the country, lower in the second semester by the fall of the global demand that generated the crisis of the Euro zone " , Fan said to Xinhua agency. Source of the news: Critical China hard to the USA after the reduction of qualification of its debt and demands guarantees

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