Pontifical Catholic University
was born in Merida, Yucatan, son of Edward Cabieses Valle-Riestra and Alicia Molina Font. He studied sciences and medicine at the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, from 1937 to 1945. It was perfected in neurology and neurosurgery at the University of Pennsylvania. On his return to Peru in 1950 introduced the surgical treatment of cerebral aneurysms and epilepsy surgery. In 1956 he received a doctoral degree in medicine from San Marcos University. Taught courses in his specialty at the University of Miami and was named honorary professor by the University of Trujillo (1962), Cajamarca (1963), Cuzco (1982) and Lambayeque (1985).
It is also Doctor Honoris Causa by the Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega (2006) and Founding Rector of the South Science University. Member of the American Medical Association, the American College of Surgeons and numerous academic institutions. He was director of the Peruvian Museum of Health Sciences (1976-1990).He promoted the foundation and was the first director of National Museum from 1988 to 1990. Cabieses worked throughout his life to integrate and grow new ideas usually successfully interpret the reality of their environment. His creative personality is shown from his thesis for the title of Surgeon, in which for the first time found that the traditional Indian way of consuming cocaine was not a drug dependence, produced no damage and favored working at great heights above the level sea, destroying the common belief of the Indian drugged. Recent graduate of experimental research conducted to understand the adaptive systems that provide cardio-respiratory function in the “altitude sickness”.
This work, which proved extremely valuable to the aviation, earned an invitation to laboratories Randolph Field (Texas) where similar studies are conducted.Later he founded the Neurosurgery Department of Neoplastic Diseases Institute and his disciples founded similar services at Children’s Hospital, the Hospital Loayza, Dos de Mayo Hospital, Military Hospital, the Naval Hospital and the Hospital of Aeronautics, and will develop services consulting on numerous provinces. From 1953 Cabieses was devoted to the history of medicine in Peru, publishing books that show what was considered history was in force in rural areas far from medical centers developed. For this reason, he founded the Institute of Traditional Medicine, which has facilitated the articulation of official medicine with traditional medicine, improving health care in remote areas and promoting the study and identification of medicinal plants for industrial and exported (cat’s claw, maca, sangre de grado, etc.)..Work which has joined the University of Salerno, through the establishment of the Italo-Latin American Society formed by scientists Peruvian, Italian, and most Central and countries. With over 80 years Dr. Cabieses chaired since 1998 the organizing committee of the South Science University. In this university was able to break schemes in the academic training of future physicians Peruvians.
Aware of the dehumanization and excessive technification in medical training, devised an innovative program of supervised practice in clinics, hospitals and medical centers through a cooperation agreement for university education in the new medicine. Thus, without an academic medical center or university hospital itself, the university managed to optimize existing resources in Peruvian society. During the I Peruvian Congress of Medicinal Plants and Phytotherapy, held in Lima (2000), was provided to Dr.Cabieses a recognition of its national and international experience in the field of research, teaching and dissemination of knowledge of medicinal plants of Peru. In recognition of his lifelong contributionto cultural exchange and understanding of the peoples of Israel and Peru, was appointed President of the International Council of the Instituto Cultural Israel-Latin America. On the other hand, has been appointed by the universities Amauta Basin and Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador. This award, which refers to the ancient wisdom was delivered, in the words of representatives of universities, “one of the few living scholars of Latin America.