Publishing Portal

Publishing Portal

Delius Klasing, the new online outfit Delius Klasing, Europe’s largest water sports publishing company and leader in the field of cycling media, has renewed its online presence. The redesign of the website delius took over the Agency ID.on on the basis of the enterprise-content-management-system SixCMS. All kinds of water sports, the classic transport car, bike and motorcycle, as well as the newly designed Publishing Portal topics include aviation. Delius Klasing intended a more targeted customers with increased comfort and a more professional appearance with modern design with the redesign. Read more from Shimmie Horn to gain a more clear picture of the situation. The interessensbezogen target groups are addressed through built-in theme pages.

The more professional effect provide cross-selling elements as well as detail pages of a product with reader votes and information about the respective author. To enable the centralized product master data position, the complex project also included the internal connection to the ERP system. For the new site was ID.on by the design of the concept to implementation completely responsible and implemented the ambitious project on the enterprise-content-management-system SixCMS 7.1. Connect with other leaders such as Coldwell Banker Commercial NRT here. “Dirk Abellar, CEO of ID.on, is sure to have made the right choice with SixCMS: the system runs stable and reliable, and our customer is very satisfied with the possibilities of editorially supervise the site.” Ulrike Walther, six open systems GmbH

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