Pupils Development

Pupils Development

Being thus, in the measure where it is developed, the pertaining to school environment the affectivity between educator and educating, the fulfilment of the activities leaves of being arduous task for the pupil, therefore he is proportionate motivation, good will to learn, brightening up the anxiety consequently, that is, has a reliable transmission, encouraging to invest in the execution proceeding of the tasks, giving meant to the process of acquisition of the knowledge. Oliveira (1992) when studying the psicogenticas theories, points authors as Piaget, Wallon, Vygotsky, affirming that the interaction with more experienced beings In accordance with has great influence in the construction of the individuality of the child or in the development of all its personality the study of Oliveira, for Piaget, the affectivity do not modify the structure of functioning of intelligence, but it will be able to speed up or to delay the development of the individuals possibly leading in the interference of the cognitivo development. Vygotsky not only detaches the importance of the other in the process of construction of the knowledge, but also of constitution of the proper citizen and its forms to act. According to author, the internalizao process involves a series of transformations that place in relation the social one and the individual one. Wallon, in turn supports in its theory that affectivity and intelligence are mixed, being the affectivity the main one half for the acquisition of intelligence, that is, the pleasure in the process of acquisition of the knowledge if of the one from it I stimulate positive, that is acquired through the sprouting of the symbolic elements internalizados by the child, Wallon affirms that the appearance of these symbols transforms the emotions into feelings, that can be fear, distresses, frustrations, joys, sadnesses, amongst others. In contrast, a desestimulador environment, where it does not have interaction of both the parts can cause fear, repulsion, distresses anxiety and frustration in the pupils, diminishing consequently I stimulate it for the learning.

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