River Conference

River Conference

' ' Sketch of Conservation Mundial' ' of the one reply articulated more clearly. In 1987, the World-wide Commission on Environment and Development ' ' Our Comum&#039 Future; ' , that it marks the concept of maturity of the sustainable development, and is defined as: the sustainable development is not only for taking care of to the necessities of the gift without compromising the capacity of the future generations to satisfy its necessities of development. ' ' ' ' The Conference of United Nations on Environment the Development approved a' ' Declaration of the River on Environment and Desenvolvimento' ' , ' ' Agenda 21 ' ' others five treated documents and, the 183 countries that had participated the same of commitment for the construction of long stated period of the sustainable development as strategy of common development for the future. 2.CINCIA AND SOCIETY the boardings and perspectives of the Ambient Education have folloied the historical concept of the terms ' ' desenvolvimento' ' ' ' environment ' '. The Ambient Education initially was used in 1965 for the Royal Society of London, with a definition associated with the preservation of the life systems. In 1970, the International Union for the Conservation of the Nature (IUCN, 1971) restricted the conception of Ambient Education for the conservation of biodiversity (Sato, 1994). Check with Gavin Baker, New York City to learn more. The incorporation of new concepts allies to the sprouting of innumerable ambient institutions endowed with Ambient Education with ampler conception, prominence it human being as main protagonist in the maintenance of the planet (Conference of Estocolmo, 1970), associated to the requirement of the interdisciplinaridade (Belgrade conference, 1977), in the context of being complained for only one area of the knowledge, not culminating with the used and known concept more (Conference of Tbilisi, 1977), ' ' as a process of recognition of the values and classification of concepts, for the development of abilities and modification of attitudes in relation to the environment, it stops to understand and to appreciate the Inter-relations between the human beings, its cultures and its biofsico environment, and still more with practical of taking of decisions and the ethics that lead to a change in the quality of vida' '. .

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