Special Education

Special Education

The federal government then starts to invest in these classrooms, placing, then, the necessary resources to the normalization process. So that the people with necessities used special them with the objective to become them apt to participate of the society. The inclusion of the people with deficiencies, in the common schools of the regular net of education, is a great new challenge for the Systems of Education. Analyzing the evolution historical of the people with deficiency, we see that for much time they had lost its identity and had passed and to be assigned not by the name, but for its deficiency it is which will be. This was one of the reasons for which they had been absent of the common schools. (Source: Edward Minskoff).

Its pedagogical development if gave in house or added places, in which it coexisted only also deficient colleagues. The few that had access the regular school had that to adapt itself to the mold of the school, passing for an election process that assigned the ones that apt and was molded to frequent school. Today it is possible to detect one I number well significant of people with registered deficiencies and frequenting the classrooms of regular schools. What it is leading to a reflection about the paper and the purposes of the school. This reflection if consolidates in the understanding of that the differences in the classroom, before being a complicador for the action of the professor, Can come to be a factor of qualification and enrichment of education. 7,2 LEGAL ASPECTS OF THE INCLUSIVE EDUCATION IN BRAZIL. 7.2.1 Legal recital the Special Education, as modality of the pertaining to school education, is organized in order to consider a successive approach of the estimated ones of practical pedagogical the social one of the inclusive education, in order to fulfill the following legal and politician-philosophical devices; The Federal Constitution of 1988 in its article 208 establishes that it is assured: III – The educational attendance specialized the carrying people of deficiencies, preferential in the regular net of education; IV – 1 the access to obligator and gratuitous education is public law and subjective; V? Access to the raised levels more of education, the research and the artistic creation, according to capacity of each one.

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