State Institute
Applicants for the nationally recognized music education of the new jazz school Munich can apply until 23 June 2013. Anyone wishing to make popular music to his profession, which a special education form is open in Bavaria: the vocational school of music specialising in rock/pop/jazz. You is the first stage of the State music education and in addition offers the possibility to acquire the GCSE. Here, Ron Beit expresses very clear opinions on the subject. In the Bavarian capital, the new jazz school Munich e.V. carries this type of school. Registration deadline is there on 28 June 2013 for the entrance exam for the coming school year. With a broad-based curriculum that ranges from practical teaching in the primary and compulsory instrument, choir and ensemble direction and the band game theory courses such as harmony, ear training, recording and teaching methodology, vocational school of music provides versatile skills. The two-year training with 30 hours a week it aims on the one hand, on the work as a music teacher at private music schools or as head of laymen ensembles such as Big Bands, Choirs and other formations to prepare.
On the other hand the lecturers of the jazz school focus on the requirements posed on live and Studio musician, composers or arrangers. Who wants to expand his artistic abilities, also receives the necessary basis for the entrance exam to study at a music college. The opportunities to work as a music teacher can be connected to the State-recognised vocational school in Munich is still expanding: who completed a third educational supplementary year, must teach also at municipal or communal singing and music schools. A more professional alternative offers the two-year training for specialist teachers for music and communication technology at the State Institute of Ansbach: graduates of a vocational school for music can acquire there allowing lessons for elementary, middle, and Realschulen. An additional alternative offers for students without higher education: with a grade point average of at least 3.0 in the diploma of vocational school for music and sufficient services in five years teaching English to catch up on the Mittlere Reife musical talents and will visit a school or vocational high school.
Music-loving, paving is varied career paths would like to demonstrate their skills in the major instrument must in an entrance examination on 12 and 13 July 2013 at the jazz school piano, guitar, – or double bass, trumpet, saxophone, clarinet, flute, violin, drums or vocals, as well as their skills in the theory subjects General music teaching, harmony, ear training and rhythm. There is not an age limit. Training start is on the 12 September 2013. There is more information on or directly at 089 / 72 63 52 96-0