State School

State School

In the activities proposals they had been boarded concepts practical-theoretician of Biotechnology related to the daily one of the pupils. METHOD the subjects of the activities had been chosen and developed from contents of Chemistry related to the knowledge practical-theoreticians of the Biotechnology (Table 1). The activities had been carried through with pupils practical State School inside of one pedagogical one of construtivista theoretical recital. For attainment of data it was used as evaluation tool questionnaires daily pay and after-test. The questionnaires turn of objective and dissertativas questions and were applied one week before the beginning of the activities for the daily pay-test and reapplied one week after the development the activities for the after-test.

These tools had been used to evaluate the previous knowledge of the pupils and the efficiency of these practical activities with regard to the learning of the involved concepts. The gotten results of the evaluations they are being analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. The answers had been tabulated and express in percentages. The test of the Qui-square was used to analyze the significance of the differences between the frequencies of categories being considered p d 0, 05, with the use of program BIOESTAT 5.0. The participants of this research attended a course 3 series of Average Ensino. For identification of the same ones had been used initiate they GCA for the group submitted to the activities of the education of Biotechnology and GSA for the pupils who had not been submitted to the research. For assignment of Daily pay-Test the number 1 and in After-Test was used number 2, as table 2. RESULTED the analyses of the data they disclose that the participants had had a satisfactory performance with regard to the learning of the concepts related to the fermentation what can to be observed in the increase of the correct and partially correct answers of Group G2CA, when compared with group G1CA.

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