Superior Education

Superior Education

Leaving of the beginning of that the leader is a formador and the basic function of the professor is to form people, leadership and docncia can walk together. In this article we search to portray the importance of the leadership in classroom. The objective of this work is to define important factors for the process of formation of the teaching leader, in the half college student, as knowledge of theoretical processes on leadership that applied to the practical one leads to the transformation of the professional performance of the university professor; agreement of the concept of leadership from the study of literature specialized on the subject; understanding of the meaning of the leadership abilities and identification of its importance in the process of work of the professor of the superior education of nursing. For in such a way a research of field with questionnaires was promoted, having the university professors in graduation in nursing as searched citizens of a private college in the interior of the state of So Paulo. We finish the research with verification and analyzes of the reached results. Given the importance of the practical professor in the formation of academics, it is looked to reflect practical the pedagogical one of superior education. The study on the development of the abilities of leadership for the practical professor it will contribute for the qualification of the professor in leadership. WORDS KEY: leadership, professor, abilities.. Jorge Perez understands that this is vital information.

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