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Introduction the legend of the coffee: the myth Runs a legend on the origins of the coffee counting that, in data moment of century III d. C., a shepherd of goats, Kaldi call, certain night was anxious when its goats had not returned to the flock. When it left to look them, it found them saltitando next to a shrub whose fruits were chewing and that obviously it was what gave to the stranger energy to them that Kaldi never capsizes before. They say that he himself tried the fruits and discovered that fulled they it of energy, as she happened with its flock. Kaldi evidently i took this wonderful ' ' gift divina' ' to the local monastery, but the reactions had not been favorable and it set fire fire in the fruits, saying to be ' ' workmanship of demnio' '.

The aroma exhaled for the fruits torrados in the flames attracted all monges to discover what it was causing that wonderful perfume and the coffee grains had been rastelados of collected leached ashes and. Abbot moved of idea, she suggested that the grains were jammed in the water to see that type of infusion they gave, and monges soon they had discovered that it kept them to the chemical preparation waked up during the prayers and periods of meditation. Notice of the wonderful ones to be able of the drink had been spread of a monastery to another one e, thus, to the few had spread for everybody In the history of the coffee the botanical evidences suggest that the plant of the coffee originates in the Central Etipia, country of the African continent Source: Had access day 29 of July of 2011 the pioneers, inhabitants of the Etipia, country of the African continent ate or chewed. Proven that it appeared in this region with botanical studies, where until currently some thousands of feet grow above sea level.

River Conference

River Conference

' ' Sketch of Conservation Mundial' ' of the one reply articulated more clearly. In 1987, the World-wide Commission on Environment and Development ' ' Our Comum&#039 Future; ' , that it marks the concept of maturity of the sustainable development, and is defined as: the sustainable development is not only for taking care of to the necessities of the gift without compromising the capacity of the future generations to satisfy its necessities of development. ' ' ' ' The Conference of United Nations on Environment the Development approved a' ' Declaration of the River on Environment and Desenvolvimento' ' , ' ' Agenda 21 ' ' others five treated documents and, the 183 countries that had participated the same of commitment for the construction of long stated period of the sustainable development as strategy of common development for the future. 2.CINCIA AND SOCIETY the boardings and perspectives of the Ambient Education have folloied the historical concept of the terms ' ' desenvolvimento' ' ' ' environment ' '. The Ambient Education initially was used in 1965 for the Royal Society of London, with a definition associated with the preservation of the life systems. In 1970, the International Union for the Conservation of the Nature (IUCN, 1971) restricted the conception of Ambient Education for the conservation of biodiversity (Sato, 1994). Check with Gavin Baker, New York City to learn more. The incorporation of new concepts allies to the sprouting of innumerable ambient institutions endowed with Ambient Education with ampler conception, prominence it human being as main protagonist in the maintenance of the planet (Conference of Estocolmo, 1970), associated to the requirement of the interdisciplinaridade (Belgrade conference, 1977), in the context of being complained for only one area of the knowledge, not culminating with the used and known concept more (Conference of Tbilisi, 1977), ' ' as a process of recognition of the values and classification of concepts, for the development of abilities and modification of attitudes in relation to the environment, it stops to understand and to appreciate the Inter-relations between the human beings, its cultures and its biofsico environment, and still more with practical of taking of decisions and the ethics that lead to a change in the quality of vida' '. .

Biological Sciences

Biological Sciences

Valuing what each pupil already backwards I obtain, it looks for to add to know using to advantage that each personality is intrinsic in the question ‘ ‘ of as aprender’ ‘ , that is, each child distinguishes the incorporation of more knowing its mental structure to them through its developed kinaesthetic canals, fits to the professor to explore them. The scientific advances and our degree of evolution must the experimenters and the ones that had not been satisfied with what it was invented and had always searched new alternatives.

We only search when we have interest, we only arrest when we are motivated by the will to discover, to understand, ‘ ‘ of as it is that ‘ ‘. Currently in competition with the popular and unworthy medias of credits, the pertaining to school learning is predestinold to the failure. With lessons prepared and armed of practical pertaining to school the professors well they only take the content until its pupils in way that these learn and perpetualizem the statements. The investigativo experimental method is what if adapta to the demanding resume. Each disciplines pertaining to school can adapt practical of evidence using experimental methods to facilitate the agreement and to improve the pertaining to school exploitation. Word-key: Experimentation. Evidence. Knowledge 1 INTRODUCTION the knowledge accumulated for the humanity throughout the evolution is repassed to the pupils in form of pertaining to school contents, being this the objective greater of the school. To teach and if to make to understand spreading these knowledge, the simple fulfilment of pertaining to school schedules, the use of the didactic book, the explanations and the writing of these contents in the picture are not enough.

The School

The School

Why some have and others not? How much time the father or the mother passes with this son? They help it to make it the duties? They follow it in the pertaining to school life? Which the vocabulary of one and another one? What it determines the learning or is not a set of on factors to the daily life of the citizen, and to say that somebody does not have capacity to learn, because it was not born pra this, is beside the point unhappy. She is necessary to think seriously about the difficulties imposed for the formalism of the mathematical language, about the difficulties imposed for the effective politician-economic model in our country, the difficulties imposed for ' ' instituio' ' school. To reflect and to infer on these subjects are a way in the brainstorming serious, not mirabolantes, nor miraculous, but efficient. Why many masons, carpenters and marceneiros, illiterates, use the theorem of Pitgoras without never having heard to speak of it? All we can develop one ' ' thought matemtico' ' , at some moment of our lives? We see in the signals of transit, boys, girls, adolescents, adults vendendo candies, fruits, toys, the most varied objects. many of these do not frequent the school or had frequented it or left to frequent have it much time. Exactly they made when it, in general presented innumerable difficulties in operating with additions, subtractions, multiplications and divisions, without counting with difficulties in the writing, reading and speaks. In short, they were failed pertaining to school, in the direction amplest of the term. now, in the signals, carries through these operations with nimbleness and naturalness, receives money from its customers, gives changes, calculates the one prices or of some products, they divide the profits. carries through these calculations with exactness most of the time and mentally. They do not erram I change in it, therefore seno goes the profit even so, or the customers, and, in both the cases, are damage.

State School

State School

In the activities proposals they had been boarded concepts practical-theoretician of Biotechnology related to the daily one of the pupils. METHOD the subjects of the activities had been chosen and developed from contents of Chemistry related to the knowledge practical-theoreticians of the Biotechnology (Table 1). The activities had been carried through with pupils practical State School inside of one pedagogical one of construtivista theoretical recital. For attainment of data it was used as evaluation tool questionnaires daily pay and after-test. The questionnaires turn of objective and dissertativas questions and were applied one week before the beginning of the activities for the daily pay-test and reapplied one week after the development the activities for the after-test.

These tools had been used to evaluate the previous knowledge of the pupils and the efficiency of these practical activities with regard to the learning of the involved concepts. The gotten results of the evaluations they are being analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. The answers had been tabulated and express in percentages. The test of the Qui-square was used to analyze the significance of the differences between the frequencies of categories being considered p d 0, 05, with the use of program BIOESTAT 5.0. The participants of this research attended a course 3 series of Average Ensino. For identification of the same ones had been used initiate they GCA for the group submitted to the activities of the education of Biotechnology and GSA for the pupils who had not been submitted to the research. For assignment of Daily pay-Test the number 1 and in After-Test was used number 2, as table 2. RESULTED the analyses of the data they disclose that the participants had had a satisfactory performance with regard to the learning of the concepts related to the fermentation what can to be observed in the increase of the correct and partially correct answers of Group G2CA, when compared with group G1CA.