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What were previously only rumors, is now a reality, and the reform of the unit has come. Now the so-called minimum level, i.e., the money given to the communities for each dependent, will be reduced by 13%, so that the autonomous communities must continue meeting these people, but with fewer resources. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Jacobs Dallas on most websites. For this reason, communities save 280 million, provided they conform with lowering established 15% since they are allowed to reduce the wages of carers. Contributions to social security which the Government had been paying all those family members who cared for a dependent at home, will be suspended on 31 August, by that from such date, the family caregiver shall be responsible for 94% of the total number of the quota (of 100% if you want to continue paying contributions), with a 10% bonus. All communities may take a period of two years, until the dependent receives your help, without that this generates delays that payable afterwards when they have the final score as dependents.

Also, they have a period of eight years to go to beneficiaries paying the debt owed by the delay in granting the aid further than the time allowed. This reform will have a series of consequences which shall devolve upon the beneficiaries of dependency benefits, since more than half are people older than 80 years, and 21% are between 65 and 79 years. Also mortality for them is not the same as that for the rest of the population in those same ages, since they suffer from diseases or disabilities. There are now 260,000 persons entitled to the allowance who are waiting to receive aid from some time ago, and this figure should be added the 60,000 people who enter the system every two years. When a person with 70 years, begins with symptoms of future dependence, their life expectancy tends to be eight years, but has to attain sufficient gravity, or not fend for itself so dependent analyzing the reform of law and the results can be declared they will be derived from it, suggests that a great solution for dependent persons over the age of 65, can be the reverse mortgage or annuities, because they may monetize their housing, charging a monthly income with which to improve their living conditions. In this case, and may pay the fee of the family caregiver, without having to relinquish the care and attention that are indispensable to this collective, and to maintain this quality of life that was with all of the aid granted.

Credit Easy

Credit Easy

I credit it easy appeals to the consumption mismanaged is very en vogue. It is enough to see one any contralayer of a magazine, to see a little of television, to listen a little of radio or to league Internet stops it to deduce that the companies of I credit easy they are for all the side. We are displayed daily the marketing campaigns hostile that they appeal to the consumption avivado that waits for a moment of greater fragility it stops obtaining to convince in them that we need to buy that plasma gamma top, or that one I finish automobile model that left and will provoke envy amazement before our friends, familiar fellow workers, neighbors and. It is not easy to constantly resist these daily attacks the one that we are citizens, for very strong that is the proteces that we created throughout the time, them goes esmorecendo with the which had time and to the place that we occupy or we desire to occupy in the society. All we have weakness moments and these companies of personal credit know of this therefore keep campaigns fixed following the old saying ' ' Soft water in hard rock, as much beats until fura' '. ticle. But reason so high taxes of interest? The taxes of interest I credit of it easy are very raised had its characteristics.

It is a credit of high risk, the companies of I credit easy have notion that many of the credits that never grant will be returned them, or at least they will have many oppositions expenditures to obtain to recover the money in return. They are credits that are granted with very few guarantees, in contrast of that are granted by the banks. Many of the times the people whom they appeal to these easy credits, already had tried to make the credits next to the banks but they turn its pretensions lying for land, which had its current situation or to its description of bad credit. Clearly that to loan money to somebody with these characteristics it has a raised risk, therefore also high taxes of interests. Advice: he tries first to obtain its I credit easy in a bank therefore it will obtain much more low taxes of interest. It goes to be more difficult, it will delay more time, and it will demand more persistence of its part, but in the end of accounts, will compensate. It is inquired of beforehand I credit on it easy, visits mine blog where I supply much information.

Public Farm CTN

Public Farm CTN

(we grifamos) It still establishes the CTN, as for the launching for homologation: Art.150. (…) 4 If the law not to fix stated period the homologation, will be it five year, to count of the occurrence of the generating fact; exhaled this stated period without the Public Farm if has sharp, is considered homologated the launching and definitively extinct the credit, saved if proven the deceit occurrence, it has embezzled or simulation. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Munear Ashton Kouzbari, Dallas TX. (we grifamos) It has who defends that the constant device of 4, of art. 150, of the CTN, are a special rule, and therefore it must prevail to the contained general rule in art. 173, I of the CTN. (02) In this direction then, in the tributes citizens to the launching for homologation, the decadencial stated period for the launching ex-officio of eventual detected differences would be five year to count of the generating fact, in the terms of mentioned 4 of art. Please visit Nir Barzilai, M.D. if you seek more information. 150 of the CTN.

still, in this line of interpretation, its defenders look for to condition the application of the constant devices of art. 173, I and of art. 150, 4, of the CTN, to the existence or not of payment, with following the assertive one: ' ' if it will not have payment, if cannot speak in launching for homologation, and thus the norm of art would be attracted. 173, of the CTN' '. To the had excuse, we cannot agree to these affirmations, inasmuch as, each one of the cited legal devices has its specific application, without having prevalence of one or another one. Seno let us see: (i) the stated period made use in 4 of art. 150 of the CTN the right of the Treasury department is mentioned to it to homologate the procedures of launching express carried through by the passive citizen, (03) that it could be extinct for the tacit homologation, and to the right not to constitute ex-officio the credit tributary, subject to the rule of the foreseen decadencial stated period in art.