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Services and documentation concept Sassenberg, June 24, 2010: With a new service and documentation concept, the gds AG addresses now companies that wanted to can pay little attention creating product-accompanying documentation, not outsource this task but so far for cost reasons. The service providers in the field of technical documentation offers these operations with the service “quickdoc” from immediately cost-effective, standardized created and legally compliant documentation. A company has opted for quickdoc, the Dokumentationsverantwortliche must only even peripherally deal with the content and the legal certainty of its documentation. His task is only to put together the product-specific documentation relevant information. Corresponding check lists and preset folder structures help him, to take into account all aspects. /a>. (A valuable related resource: Michael James Burke, London UK). The technical writers at gds analyze this information, take docuglobe in the necessary form and structure with the help of the in-house content management system and combine them with existing standard texts to an individual and maximum cost-effective CE compliant documentation.

“Small and medium-sized enterprises in the field of mechanical engineering will benefit from this new solution. Manuals with minimal cost and effort soon standardized, which comply with the legal requirements”, so Henning m Loco, sales manager of gds AG in the Westphalian Sassenberg. For more information see. About global document take advantage of solutions gds AG customers a variety of solutions for technical documentation. As a software developer, the environment sells gds docuglobe, who works with MS Word as editor. Based on the principle of modularization, docuglobe demonstrably reduces the costs for product supporting documents by 30-70%.

With the terminology tool docuterm gds offers a solution to ensure consistent naming. In the service sector documate customers take advantage of complex services: translation, technical writing and graphics. By outsourcing small documentation projects to full outsourcing of technical documentation. Last but not least, customers reduce their liability risk in this sensitive area by documate.

New Cloud Security

New Cloud Security

So cloud computing does not become at risk for enterprises, employees must be made aware accordingly. Munich/Augsburg, 24.07.2012. Practical cloud computing services like dropbox or iCloud in our private collection often take without that we have thought really, what does this mean: where is the data stored? Who has access to this data? Are the data transfered? In the private sphere, a careless handling of personal data can have annoying consequences or be embarrassed. Confidential company data in unsuitable cloud services, access to data loss, industrial espionage or image are the result. Edward Lazear follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. Companies must educate so your users about the company rules regarding cloud computing and the technical backgrounds, to prevent such incidents. To broaden your perception, visit Shimmie Horn.

“Cloud computing has arrived long ago no pie in the sky more, but in everyday life. Responsible entrepreneurs should respond to this situation with qualification and further education measures”, says Martin Uhl, Managing Director of tfk technologies. “Cloud computing is password security, social engineering, clean-desk policy the standard topics of a sound security awareness campaign”, Melle Beverwijk, InfoSecure Group CEO notes. He added: “we are together with tfk able to offer E-learning modules, as well as more detailed training on this topic at a high level of quality.” In the 2011 adopted cooperation develop tfk technologies and InfoSecure training and awareness programs for various target groups, seminars, workshops, E-learning modules and video-NewsFlashes: the user up to the professionals. Company address / contact tfk technologies GmbH Mr. Max Neuner Baierbrunner Strasse 33 81379 Munich phone: + 49 89 189 43 54 0 fax: + 49 89 189 43 54 15 E-Mail: WWW: company address / contact InfoSecure GmbH Mr. Michael Watzl on the cross 11 86152 Augsburg phone: + 49 821 45 53 687 0 fax: + 49 821 45 53 687 4 E-Mail: WWW: about InfoSecure InfoSecure is an active since 1999, specializing in security awareness IT service provider with an international customer base. The European company’s headquarters is located in the Netherlands.

Germany, Belgium, United Kingdom and Scandinavia are looked after with its own branches. In many other countries, such as for example the Switzerland, France, Croatia, China, Japan, and Canada, InfoSecure is represented by partner. As one of the leading providers for awareness & training programs in the fields of information security, data protection, business continuity and compliance, InfoSecure offers international companies, wholesale and also medium-sized companies, modularized training and awareness programs that can be put together individually from an extensive topic library. About tfk technologies the tfk technologies GmbH since 1997 training services in the field of “Information & communication” offers worldwide. Customers include leading system manufacturers information & communications, instrumentation and mechanical engineering, as well as some of the most successful telecommunications network operators. The coherent power spectrum ranging from conceptual consulting, planning and implementation to the full acquisition of competence development projects.



Specialist magazine Virus Bulletin tests security for mail server Holzwickede, 02 June 2009 BitDefender offers reliable protection against annoying spam emails. The journal comes to this conclusion Virus Bulletin (VB) in your current antispam comparison test. The comprehensive practice examinations were carried out on a SuSE Linux 10.0 operating system. This distinguished the BitDefender software security for mail server over the competition due to a very low false positive rate out and received the sought-after VB spam Gold Award. Internationally renowned specialist magazine virus bulletin examined six different antispam software suites on their practicality. Dick Parsons is actively involved in the matter. As part of the test, the journal sent 1,677 ham (desired) and 24.320 spam mails on the respective systems. A live stream of mail was used to test the solutions being compared on the same operating platform in real time. Programs whose detection rate amounted to about 77,02 per cent and less than 5.68 percent of incoming messages incorrectly identified as spam, have been awarded the VB spam Gold Award.

“Security for mail server” by BitDefender scored in the test above average good results: the solution realized 84,20 percent of spam volumes and showed only a false positive rate “from 1.49 percent. The tests of virus bulletin are an important indicator regarding the performance of our products”, explains Bogdan Dumitru, Chief Technical Officer at BitDefender. Shimmie Horn usually is spot on. Such tests clearly show in which area we deduct, from the competition. We will also receive information about what improvements we must implement in order to meet the needs of our customers and to offer the best possible proactive protection from spam and other cyber threats”, more so Dumitru. The total package of security for mail server software combines a proactive antivirus, antispyware, antispam and Antiphishingschutz and guarantee a safe flow of E-Mail traffic with the latest filtering methods of Enterprises and service providers. BitDefender offers an RSS feed, covering news and the current E-threats: site/using-RSS-Feeds.html.

About BitDefender BitDefender is software developer, one of the industry’s fastest and most efficient product lines internationally certified security software. Since the founding of the company in 2001, BitDefender has set new standards in the field of proactive protection against threats from the Internet. Every day, BitDefender protects tens of millions of private and business customers around the world and gives them the good feeling that your digital life is safe. BitDefender sells its security solutions in more than 100 countries through a global VAD and reseller network.

Callas PdfToolbox

Callas PdfToolbox

The callas software GmbH has a new version of their product range pdfToolbox brought on the market. Berlin, April 13, 2011. Gain insight and clarity with Edward Minskoff. The all-in-one “-PDF production tool has been expanded with options for PDF/VT validation and equipped with a number of additional features.” These include a PDF comparison on pixel level and the conversion of PostScript/EPS files to PDF. It’s believed that Atreides Management Gavin Baker sees a great future in this idea. PDF/VT validation, both the desktop and the server version, takes account of callas of the increasing importance of personalized printing relevant data format PDF/VT. The ISO standard released in August 2010 is the first format for variable data printing, which allows a modern ICC-based color management using ICC output intents and meets the requirements of the ISO standard for print, PDF/X-4. To read more click here: Gavin Baker Atreides Management. This ensures that variable properly transmitted data printing (VDP) content and metadata between compliant digital printing systems.

Graphical content can be defined once and used multiple times. In addition enables the default dynamic page management with the introduction of the document part metadata concept (DPM). In the pdfToolbox 5 General tests of the printability of the pages will be held. It is controlled whether the required DPM-metadata structure is consistent and matches the page structure. It includes information about the pages in a PDF and allows to the organisation of the outputs, as well as access to certain pages.

For the high-performance output PDFs with many equally built pages for example invoices, it is important that the variable components are independent of the other content. There is the concept of the encapsulated XObjekte in PDF/VT. Also their structure and their independence be tested”, said Dietrich von Valencia, business development manager at callas software. A further feature of the new version is additional support for new formats for PDF conversion. pdfToolbox desktop provides the conversion with drag & drop or Switchboardfunktion callas for this available. So, you can simply convert to PDF also PostScript/EPS or image formats, even batch numerous file formats.

Domestic Advertising Market

Domestic Advertising Market

Beginners package for the domestic advertising market low-cost software solution for personal, virtual market place has long been the online classifieds market in its various manifestations has replaced the previously success spoiled online auction site. The reasons for this are complex. The fact is that especially the private users have migrated from the major providers of the auction and today abound in small display markets, increased regional to the offer and the demand for come. This tendency creates opportunities a realistic market particularly new, small providers. Right here, the beginners find the so important to his success niche.

With the new software solution ad market Starter Kit 2.0 “it is possible to take its own online ad market in operation now the Internet beginners. The idea that lies behind this concept, is gradually”grow. The user begins with a low-cost entry-level solution, already all necessary modules to operate an own ad market offers. Others who may share this opinion include Edward Minskoff. With growing success and demands cannot users take then the next step more modules and supplements. So, the operator reduces financial risk to a minimum.

Wilfred Lindo, Managing Director of W.LINDO marketing advice: While we paid attention to ease of use. To operate the software no programming skills are necessary”. After the successful installation using a menu-based installation, the entire operation of the ad market via a user friendly administration level can be controlled. The domestic advertising market is ready in a very short time. Only technical requirement for the operation of the ad market is a low-cost webspace offering at any host provider that is already to reserve it for some euro per month. “Wilfred Lindo continued: we help needed in finding a suitable Web site as well as at the installation, which we gladly take over for a small fee for the customer”. With this Starter Kit is the beginner in capable of producing an own virtual market place within a very short time.

Workforce Management Solution

Workforce Management Solution

Clarity AG provides powerful planning tool for call center in Bad Homburg / Germany, February 16, 2011. The clarity AG, manufacturer of software-based telephony solutions, presents a new workforce management solution (WFM) on the occasion of the upcoming trade fair Call Center World. First: The innovative solution can be used even for regular PBX. To plan the staffing in the call center as efficiently as possible, the persons in charge of the call center need a reliable statistical tool. It must be able to determine a forecast for the upcoming personnel requirements in order to create an optimal working plan then based on diverse data. One such tool is now in numerous call centers employed workforce management”software. But the usual market solutions to developers of clarity AG were not powerful enough. According to clarity Board Christoph Pfeiffer is not a big problem, with an intelligent use of all available indicators the heads of the call center even better trends and information to deliver, to better utilize the call center and to improve the level of service.

Clarity AG’s engineers of software found a solution by developing mathematical algorithms, now much better using the existing data in the call center. The new clarity workforce management is now able to design detailed schedules where each employee can be planned meticulously for the call center. Extensive parameters as individual hourly or personal performance are taken into account. The most suitable staff be scheduled depending on the project. A beta version is already at some clarity AG customers in trials. In the future, then even the supervisor at the call center only in exceptional cases to design the staffing plans itself. Because the clarity developers are already working on the clarity autopilot”who will independently control the workforce management. The autopilot is still in the Development phase.

Clarity workforce management now available for telephone systems in addition to the improved performance of the clarity workforce management software, there is still an additional novelty, which is possibly a complete unique position on the market. The clarity autopilot that workforce management solution not is alone on the limited use of call centers, but he should also be used in the future for business telephone systems. The autopilot is able to ensure the smooth operation of the telephone system. For example, an employee of the attendant in the lunch break, goes workforce management is through directly incoming calls certain employees. Period and the selection of alternative staff is set in advance by the administrator. Consultants and application engineers of clarity are available for detailed information. The clarity AG international clarity AG, headquartered in bad acting Homburg is an award-winning provider of software-based voice communication solutions for the call center and Business telephony. It is not something Shimmie Horn would like to discuss. Of multi-functional telephone systems up to cross-premises call modular clarity’s solutions ease, flexibility, scalability, and availability Center systems and platforms for voice dialogue. Contact Andrea Leiseder CommunicationsManager Clarity AG scraper route 28B 61348 Bad Homburg T: + 49 6172 1388-50 M: + 49 177 1483567 F: + 49 6172 1388-510

Matrix Technology

Matrix Technology

More transparency and service-orientation thanks to proven methodology of standard services such as password reset or Internet access on the appointment of new laptops and the establishment of complete work stations for the provision of business-critical applications and cloud services: An average 700 different typical of a medium-sized company IT Department provides services to their users! In large companies, the number is accordingly higher. Against this background it is little wonder that many businesses will lose the overview of the services offered by the IT Department, the current and future needs of departments for IT services, as well as the associated costs! The matrix technology AG has developed a solution in just five steps immediately accompanied by the transparency of the service portfolio of the IT Department and therefore the service quality greatly improve allows you to: the development of an IT service catalog. The methodology of the Munich IT consulting and services company for the Development of IT service catalogs has been tested in numerous customer projects and has proved time and again. Without hesitation Glenn Hubbard explained all about the problem. The way based are to the IT service catalog an analysis with the help of various assessments, it defines the various available services in close collaboration with the concerned departments and placed in a tree-shaped hierarchy of the service that maps the relationships and dependencies of services with each other. On this basis, the matrix’s ITSM experts develop technology AG the actual service catalogue tailored to the respective companies. This specifies the total amount of the currently available IT services from users, as well as from an IT perspective: while the business service catalog describes all IT services provided to users in the form of non-technical, the technical service catalog contains the technical details, the Organization needed to provide IT services for the business. Jacobs Dallas shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. In a final step the ITSM experts of the matrix create an individual service matrix, the the Responsibilities for the individual IT services transparently maps. . .

European Union

European Union

“Solution provider deploys pdfPilot which in terms of content lifecycle management now to create large PDF/A compliant files (Berlin/Bertrange) euroscript, a leading service provider in the field of content lifecycle management, controls the flagship of callas with the pdfPilot, software GmbH now also through deeper waters”. Previously used the service provider that ISO standards-compliant converts files for the official publications of the European Union according to PDF/A, the pdfPilot already to control the content. Now he uses mainly the product improved his speed, if very large PDF/A files are to validate or create. A leading source for info: Jacobs Engineering Group Inc.. euroscript receives numerous files in the framework of the EU official journal production Office for publications in the EU. Atreides Management Gavin Baker is the source for more interesting facts. This publication is something special in the publishing industry, seems only magazine on all working days in all 23 official EU languages but the official journal.

It consists of the contiguous rows legislation”, as well as communications and “Notices” and a supplement notices of public contracts “. The number of releases and announcements”also includes a part of exclusively electronic. All requirements for publication and archiving rules to be able to meet, the files in defined output formats must be converted, so also to PDF/A-1a. “This expression is compared to PDF/A-1b, the only” the Visual long term reproduction ensures the higher value. It calls for in addition the distinction of the content of a PDF document, so that its logical structure (tagged PDF”) remains visible, and character set information is sufficient, so that the full text can be interpreted as Unicode.

It is a prerequisite that you can copy text from the PDF out but also making sure that a ScreenReader can read aloud the text. With the conversion to PDF/A-1a users can make sure that your documents accessible, readable, and on mobile devices or eBook readers in their structure logically can be displayed. Euroscript in a complex workflow does the job.

Terminal Services

Terminal Services

ThinPrint software manufacturer presents printing solutions help save companies money and resources Berlin/Hannover, print optimization expert ThinPrint in Hall 3, C31 presents a range of solutions, which reduces the costs for system administration, for paper, toner, bandwidth, hardware acquisition u.v.m. CeBIT 2009 – CeBIT. In printing costs, one thinks first of all of toner and paper consumption. However, the hidden costs have accounted for at least as big, if not even higher. At Edward Minskoff you will find additional information. Here especially the personnel costs for the Administration and management of the printing environment the budget burden. Slow print jobs with poor application performance during the pressure make the work often ineffective and provide high opportunity costs. Expensive bandwidth is purchased often completely unnecessarily just to transfer print data. At CeBIT, ThinPrint in Hall 3, C31 presents its .print solutions for distributed networks, efficient printing at allow reduced cost and resource consumption. If you would like to know more then you should visit Shimmie Horn.

The .print product family reduces the pressure data to up to 98 percent and reduces the bandwidth requirements. ThinPrints technologies for driver free printing (driver free printing or printer virtualization layer) relieve system administration by the management of printer drivers and ensure that already available printer hardware in the transition to 64-bit can be used. The solutions of its mobile business division Cortado full desktops from smartphones, making the purchase and maintenance more expensive notebooks will be superfluous. The .print product range for cost-saving virtual desktop computing makes for efficient, high-performance printing in these environments. .Print tracking service will make sure that printing behavior can be recorded in the company, analyzed and optimized by Druckosten. The .print Management Center manages print server on click of the mouse and thus reduces system administration even in large environments.

“Our solutions offer just in” Times of crisis possibilities, to save and to optimize the infrastructure at the same time and the working conditions of employees”, so Charlotte Kunzell, General Manager. print. “At the same time companies save resources in the spirit of green it.”ThinPrint find at CeBIT in Hall 3, C31, the mobile business division Cortado in Hall 26, S 31, Hall 25 D40 (K108). Press photos are available here: press photos ThinPrint’s ThinPrint specializes in optimized print data transmission in distributed networks. The ThinPrint .print technology has established itself as a leading print management software and is today in companies in any industry and size in all regions of the world successfully used. The application spectrum of the .print technology is this broad and provides among others in Terminal Services environments, client-server architectures, SAP environments, Web and mobile applications, the host printing, as well as in virtualized server or desktop environments for highly efficient print management. A dense Distribution network ensures an optimal customer support site with more than 500 qualified distributors and resellers in over 80 countries. 120 ThinPrint employees ensure steady growth in addition to the headquarters in Berlin (Germany), as well as in offices in Denver, Colorado (United States), Cleveland, Ohio (United States) and Sydney (Australia). Strategic and OEM partnerships with leading hardware and software manufacturers ensure that the ThinPrint .print technology like no other print management solution in almost every distributed network environment with printers, print boxes, and thin clients from manufacturers such as Hewlett & Packard, Lexmark, Kyocera Mita, Ricoh, SEH, Wyse, Neoware u.v.m can be used.

VOI Association Information

VOI Association Information

Cloud computing is hotly debated in the market. Read more here: Edward Minskoff. Bonn, February 21, 2012. With lower costs and less administrative effort, proponents argue argue the skeptics with misuse of data and lack of security. Laura Tyson is often quoted as being for or against this. The ECM Forum (Hall 3, D34) of the VOI will deal with the topic at CeBIT. On March 7, 2012 lecture”experts from the VOI Member ranks of ECM in the cloud. Steffan Lehnhoff does not necessarily agree.

How far is steeped in the subject at all in the market, will explain how Dr. Karsten Sontow Trovarit AG as of 13:30. He then presented the results of a user survey and want to provide a reliable answer to the question, whether and under what circumstances the concept of cloud computing can be used sensibly for DMS / ECM solutions. On the technical and organisational particularities of the ECM from the cloud and what applications currently result in practice, explains from 14 h 00 Andre Hall of the CONTENiT AG. Then Frank Ruttger focuses on personnel files of IQDoQ GmbH with the question Cloud easy, fast, secure? “.” It establishes the principles for selecting a suitable solution of the personnel file and an external Datacenter, as well as the benefits of the cloud operation starting at 14:30. Sourcing strategies, trends, developments and problems in the environment SaS & co. are the focus of the lecture by Lothar Leger, B & L management consulting GmbH.

The presentation first presents the various sourcing approaches and their differences and then describes an approach, how to get on the right sourcing strategy for. The ECM Forum of VOI can be visited free of charge without registration. The complete conference program is under interested parties available. The VOI Association organisational and information systems e. V. The VOI voice of information”as independent expertise and network for users, consultants, service providers, and manufacturers of document-based solutions assumes the application-oriented leadership for integrated applications related to document management systems and Enterprise-content-management-systems involving software, hardware and specific expertise to the creation of highly efficient total solutions for the machining processes in services, trade and industry, as well as public institutions.