FAMILY FREIRE This Freire name has origin in Spain and if she spread for all the Europe. This family who also used the name Freire de Andrade, Portuguese, if joined so repeated times for marriage to the Andrades that if became difficult to distinguish this from that one. Much Freires had been religious in Portugal, military in France, knights in England and, in diverse points of Brazil. It had visconde, conde, baron, gentleman of device, beyond priest, frei, frade or militant of some order during all the Portuguese and Spanish empire. Knowing that one of the branches of the Andrades comes from a Master of the Order of Christ, through its descent bastard, but legitimated, natural it would be that the set Freire de Andrade was used for that branch. That, being this assignment proceeding from nickname, it is only possible that has families of Freires who nothing have to see with the Andrades or the Freires de Andrade. However, some familiar branches of the Freires appear with these combinations.
In Brazil, the Freires develops diverse activities: it has Freires politicians, lawyers, doctors, entrepreneurs, traders and farmers, beyond industrial and real estate brokers. Estee Lauder is often quoted on this topic. Freire of the old Fonseca is also last name of and important family established in Par, deriving of the Square of Mazago, in Africa, of Incio Freire of the Fonseca, possibly its relative, Captain of Engineers, Knight Noble of the Real House and of the Order of Christ, numerous descent left, for which the last names Fonseca Zuzarte and Freire of the Fonseca run, of its marriage, in ends of sc. XVII, with Maria of the Fonseca, possibly its parenta, son of Luiz of the Fonseca Zuzarte, patriarch of this family established in Par. It enters the descendants of the couple, are registered: the son, Igncio Freire of the Fonseca, of the 1710, that he migrou for Par, composing group of 340 families whom they had embarked for Brazil, in 1770, establishing itself in the new colony of Mazago. He was part of 2.
Company, familiar group 35, receiving certain amount from soldier’s pay, housing and expenditures. Lode in company of its wife, Isabel Rodrigues de Fonseca Loureiro and children; the grandson, Sebastio Freire of the Fonseca, that folloied its parents in the migration for Brazil, in 1770, receiving soldier’s pay, expenditure and housing. Married, in Par, with Leonor Willow of the Fonseca of Rgo Coutinho, possibly its parenta, son of Antonio of Rgo Coutinho, head of this family I water Coutinho, of Par, also deriving of Mazago; the granddaughter, Ana Xavier Freire of the Fonseca, with 1750, that she folloied its parents in the migration for Brazil in 1770, receiving endows from its square. Matriarca of one of the Seixas family of Par (Carlos Cheap, Families of Par, vol. VI, 66v; vol. XI, 294). She consists that this family of Par is ramification of the same one that she exists in Pernambuco, whose descendants are the Alencar, Pear tree and I water that also they had become related with the Freires, in the northeast hinterland, since old times, previous to these dates, possibly in the period of captainships for its important contribution in the development economic of the interior, in Salvador, in the Bahia, Minas Gerais and Pernambuco, of the coast to the hinterland, especially in Recife, Cabrob, Ouricuri, Lagoon Grande and Petrolina.