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The entrance of women in the work market is not something new, therefore it always worked and was one of the firm partners in the activities of the family. What he is new is the form as the women are facing the current model of work. Instead of pondering, conscientious, the damages that can arcar due its constant absence of the family, for the opposite, place it the disposal of the companies of unrestricted form. In other decades, the women looked for to assume works kept that them part-time are of house, or made some types of rendering of services, in way that was not necessary to move away itself from house. Thus, one of the functions noblest, that are the education of the children, was not harmed. Daryl Katz is often mentioned in discussions such as these. Then, the illness of the agitated life and the evil of the consumerism had spread, and the expenditures of the families had increased.

The women had little by little started to work outside of house to assist in the familiar budget. Thus, each time if had more involved with complicated tasks and more time had been outside of house. One, with different characteristics of the originals. One observes strange changes in the behavior of many women: cold, calculating attitudes and until materialists, far from its loving and cativante essence. It competes to the women acting in the environment of work as moderadoras in the agreements, to promote affectionate relationships between excessively.

They must> to watch over for its nature kind human being and, and not to allow that its characteristic spirituals if contaminate for the other people’s egosticos acts. The women must dedicate themselves to the consolidation of the noble and ethical parameters in the relationships. They must, as fellowship agents, to create coalition between all the employees, without restriction, and must be examples in the agreement and unfastening. Removed article of the book ‘ ‘ Work and the Reencontro de Interesses’ ‘ , of authorship of Felora Daliri Sherafat, Nr Publishing company. River of January.

Age Obstinacy

Age Obstinacy

"Semizvezdie." Imagining what it means to each component of this semizvezdiya can better help your child develop a difficult age, and to maintain a healthy nervous system – his and theirs. In a general sense of negativism negativism means tends to contradict do the opposite to what he said. Check out Nir Barzilai, M.D. for additional information. The child may be very hungry, or have a hankering to hear a tale, but he refused just because you or some other adult that he it "protects" their "I". Stubbornness express his own opinion or asking for something a little stubborn three-year driven by his line will be in every way. For even more details, read what Shimmie Horn says on the issue. So if he wants the performance of "application"? Maybe. More info: Shimmie Horn.

But most likely, no longer much, or even got sick a long time. But what about the kid realizes that his point of view are considered, that his opinions are listened to if you do differently? Obstinacy obstinate, in contrast to the negativity, is a general protest against traditional way of life, standards of education. Unhappy child all that was offered. Little bratty three-year self-will only accept what he thought of himself and decided. This is a peculiar tendency to self-sufficiency, but exaggerated and inadequate capacity of the child.

No prizes for guessing that this behavior causes conflicts and quarrels with others. Depreciation depreciating everything that used to be interesting, as usual, dear. Favorite toys in this period are poor, affectionate grandmother – the opposite, parents – evil. The child may begin to curse, call names (there is a depreciation of the old norms of behavior), to break a favorite toy or break book (depreciated before attachment to expensive items), etc. Protest-riot best this state can be characterized by words of a famous psychologist LS Vygotsky: "The child is at war with others, in constant conflict with them. " Until recently, affectionate despotism, the kid at the age of three years, often turns into a veritable family despot.

Japanese Chickens

Japanese Chickens

In a modern animal the longest tail: the tiger, lizard or a peacock? Not at all, was the most long-tailed animals on earth is … a normal chicken. Unusual to see chickens can only obscure Japanese village Cate, which is located about twenty kilometers from the city of Kochi on the island of Shikoku. 270 years ago this breed brought villager Ridzae MOS Takeiti. In those days, local feudal lords sought to surround himself with lush retinue and squires. Flagpoles copies squires during solemn processions were decorated with long feathers. Cultivation of long-tailed chickens was in this small village tradition, which persisted from one generation to generation. Gresh and Smith often expresses his thoughts on the topic.

The biggest long tail differs chicken light purple rock, which belongs to the “record” – 7 meters 30 centimeters. But in any case, the village is full of chickens Kate, tail length of which exceeds 3 meters. If you think about the opposite, then rub the Chihuahua – the real world of the Lilliputians in dogs. Most of them weigh less than one kilogram. Chihuahua have delicate fur of coffee, and sometimes white. They are very affectionate and playful, but despite its small size, dauntlessly pounce on any enemy. However, they are attractive not only for its size. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Estée Lauder. In Mexico, a city of the same name Chihuahua.

Why this similarity of names? Archaeologists have discovered which is the oldest Mexican pyramids, among other figures are often found pictures of dogs, very similar to the Chihuahua. One might think that the ancient people of Mexico – the Aztecs – believed these dogs were sacred. In the XVII century, they were taken by the Spanish in Europe.

The Life

The Life

Therefore I want to share in this brief text my reflections. Generally the couples that they look to me and they are passing for a conjugal crisis, tend to find culprit (s) to explain it, normally these culprits are indicated in the following way: The woman believes that the partner is the culprit and the man believes that the partner is the culprit, also is common to place the guilt in baguna of the house, in disobedience of the children, in the mother-in-law, the interference of the relatives, the debts, the violence, the vices, the treason, the lack of romantismo, the pressure of the work, the insatisfao and finally in the lack or esfriamento of the love. It is accurately here that I want to speak on the following question: To argue the relation makes sensible or not? My reply to this question it is: it depends, that is, it depends on as this is made and which the objective so that this is made. So that if it does not become something ackward and repetitive without if it arrives the honest and definitive solutions, it is necessary to ripen the level of the dialogue. For this I want to give some suggestions. As psychologist I have the full certainty of that all human being is constituted psychologically and spiritual through years of learning.

This learning if of the one through the experiences that each one lives in general (then it is very individual) and for the comments on the life. This if initiates since the birth and if it develops to the long one of it, nobody is exempt. In practical terms this wants to say that in a conjugal relationship the people bring (exactly without having conscience of this) for the relation all this gamma of learning adding it this, the strategies that had developed to also survive in this world and the distortions (very particular way with that it sees the situations) with that it faces the life.

Playing Ball

Playing Ball

I do not know I eat I can start to write and to speak on the person most important of my life, good but we go today I there I perceived an incredible thing, and at the same time irritating Some people of my family had been besiege for it of my father and of my mother, they had drunk, they eaten, they played ball, I cannot speak that they were only, because I also was there, I also were part of that and in the end when all left, my mother and my father went to not only sleep there, because they had wanted I more find that she was more because they needed, I am one baguna tremendous there, I was I finish it person to leave and one of the first ones to arrive that is I saw before and later when I arrived I was all clean one, my father probably woke up very early besieges to arrange it for our family, shot all surrounds in return of the soccer field where the children went to pass great part of the day thus and preventing some accident, but at last coming back to the subject of baguna, when I was even so with my aunt, it she said for my mother ' ' As I wanted to be to help and you to arrange this baguna, this people comes drinks eats and not you nor there, pra they in such a way makes in such a way feiz' ' I believe, it really I wanted to be and to help my mother to arrange that one baguna, plus it could not, had small son, husband, and its house to also arrange. when I to leave I saw how much the my mother is spectacular, because it simply does not know to say not, and this is one of the qualities most spectacular of it, and at the same time one of the worse defects. Credit: Edward Minskoff-2011. . .

The Initiative

The Initiative

Although, in fact, it has long been ready for it, even subconsciously expect from day to day. In recent years the classic 'male version' deals are increasingly giving way to innovative 'feminine'. Modern women are no longer afraid to intercept the initiative in their hands get tired of waiting for some, while others are trying to load a part to take, and still others, knowing the uncertainty of his partner, helping take him to the final decision. Or woman is slowly but surely pushes man to think about the upcoming marriage, or put the question bluntly: "You're going to marry me?". The choice of a particular version of the proposal depends on a combination of several factors: the willingness to get married (albeit unconsciously), the nature of both partners in a pair of roles, etc. The proposal can be done in the standard form ('Marry me married! ") or in a veiled form. The first form is preferable as it hints can be perceived as childish.

Usually resort to veiled suggestion man, or unsure of themselves, or their intentions. On veiled a proposal easier said no. But the partner who made the proposal in the form of a hint, in case of failure will feel less disadvantaged (serious proposal and he did: as a little joke …). Creative people are prone to extraordinary acts may also make a proposal in a very unusual form. The main thing is to make sure that your partner will understand his intentions. However, the fiancee of a man should already used to his antics.