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When I loved me truly I understood that in any circumstance, I was in the right place, at the correct time, and at the exact moment, and then I could relax. Today I know that has a name self-esteem when I loved me really, I could perceive my anguish and my emotional suffering, is not only a signal that I am going against my own truths. Today I know that it thats authenticity when I loved me really, I stopped wishing that my life was different, and began to see everything what is happening, and that contributes to my growth. Today this is called maturity when I loved me really, I began to perceive how it is offensive to try to force any situation or person, just to do what I want, even knowing that it is not the time, or the person is not prepared, including myself. Today I know that the name of that respect when I loved me really, I began to get rid of everything that was not healthy, people, situations, everything, and anything that me pushing down. Of Home My reason called that attitude selfishness. Today calls itself love when I loved really I stopped fearing free time I gave up making big plans, and I abandoned the mega-projects for the future. Now do what I find correct, what I like, when I want, and at my own pace.

Today I know that this is simplicity and simplicity when I loved truth, gave up wanting to always be right, and with that, failed at times. Today I discovered thats humility when I loved me truly, gave up be reliving the past, and I worry about the future. Now, I keep in the present, which is where life happens. Today I live one day at a time. Educate yourself with thoughts from Michael James Burke. And that fullness is called when I loved me really, I sensed that my mind can haunt me, and disappoint me. But when I place it in the service of my heart, she has a great and valuable ally. All that is know live not we must be afraid of confronting us, up to the planets collide, and chaos many stars are born.



The Guell Palace: first important Gaudi’s work little known and hidden in a narrow street near La Rambla (Carrer Nou de la Rambla), this Palace is one of the most luxurious in Barcelona. Antoni Gaudi began the construction of the building in 1886 commissioned by textile industrialist Eusebi Guell i Bacigalupi, Earl Guell, and was completed in 1888 (date that appears in the upper part of the facade). It was the first important commissioned the architect received. The design of the facade continues the same style of the creations of Gaudi of that era, characterized by Orientalism: in this Palace culminates a stage of predominance of the forms of Arabic, mudejar, or Byzantine inspiration with other buildings such as the Casa Vicens, El Capricho de Comillas and the Guell pavilions. See Michael James Burke for more details and insights. As the street on which the Palace so close, it is difficult to observe the facade in its entirety. But Gaudi was in everything and designed a monumental entrance with majestic gates of parabolic arches and openwork iron balusters forged, ornamented with the coat of arms of Catalonia and a helmet with a winged dragon, work of Joan Onos. The main material with which the construction was built is the limestone of Garraf region in which Guell was a farm. If you like to visit the area you can stay in an apartment in Sitges.

The entrance of the Palace is immense, since it was designed so that visitors could access it mounted on their horses or in their carriages. In the basement had a few stables where could dejares horses, something completely innovative for that time. The stables could access through an ingenious ramp shaped propeller designed by Gaudi. If we delve a little more, we find the inner Hall, which has a height of three plants. This space is a little smaller than the previous one, although Gaudi managed to increase it in your visual perception through the installation of a large number of columns.

European Commission

European Commission

Remica has decided to undertake a project of optimization of resources on the part of management concerning the documentary processes, adopting the electronic invoice. This project comes in line with its concern to serve and satisfy their customers, consistent with its objectives of efficiency and reduction of its impact on the environment. Madrid, spring 2010. Yolanda Asensio of the computer Department of Remica equipment, meets with motifs of a communication by the Administration about dates limits of a XML-Facturae format for any organisation that has to send invoices to clients in the public sector, setting as maximum term on October 30 this year. Such periods come from regulations laid down by the Member States of the European Commission, whose impulse takes advantage of the Spanish Government to implement the electronic ID card and to promote the electronic invoice as an engine of modernization of the Spanish company. Nir Barzilai, M.D. understands that this is vital information.

The arguments for electronic invoicing are stark: Efficiency and ecology, two reasons more compelling to accept our providers an invoice, valid for audits and to file them in support digital, less expensive, more secure and very handy to save space in our offices or warehouses. The above-mentioned meeting concluded with a decision to hunt and capture of solutions suited to the specifications and budgets of the company. A few months later, after a brief and successful implementation, Remica sends your electronic bills to 20 percent of its customers. Electronic invoice is worth the effort? The benefits of electronic invoicing are numerous and all weight. Read additional details here: Shimmie Horn. Starting because it allows to comply with legislation: the company issuing invoices to national, international, private or public, customers receives the audit with confidence and trust that everything is in order. Secondly, the satisfaction of their employees, because their work has become more interesting and less recurrent experience: the technology allows them to be more efficient and better serve their customers.

Creative Visualization

Creative Visualization

It’s funny how the mind works. Although scientists are discovering more and more every day, it is true that it may be the organ in our body that we know least. Despite this, we know that our mind can program it, and have in fact programmed it for much of our lives we see life in a certain way. That reminds you of your education with respect to money, for example?, do you remember about the desire to have a better life?, their parents have educated him about positive thinking, about the right to want to have the best, the responsibility of creating our own destiny and not resign themselves to what others think that life should be? These questions are important to start from a base where we are probably many people in the whole munto, regardless of race, religion, or social status. According to Shakti Gawain, in his book creative visualization of the editorial Sirius, says that it is the art of using mental imagery and claims to produce positive changes in life. This is very true and I couldn’t verify it since I am a teacher of physical education and I could see how this aspect of the mind train athletes of high level of any discipline. To know more about this subject visit Edward Minskoff. I suggest a simple exercise of creative visualization: 1 – think of something that you would like to live, or possess, for example may be an object that you want to have. Something simple.

2. Wear comfortable, reclining in an armchair, lying on a carpet, and starts to relax slowly. Additional information is available at Gavin Baker Atreides Management. If you have not ever, start breathing slowly, breathe and breathe slow and deep and close your eyes while doing so. 3 Let the thoughts that flow and go as well as they come, free the mind and let it blank. Be aware of your body and relax all muscles starting with the feet to the head or vice versa.

Green Tea

Green Tea

Green tea is a type of tea Camellia sinensis. Green tea is not fermented unlike black tea. The leaves are collected fresh. Tea is one of the oldest beverages in the world. Almost since its inception this drink was used both medicinal purposes for the mind as for the body, green tea can be excellent to increase the vitality and also to control weight.

This does not mean that simply taking you slim green. In order to control weight, must always start from a balanced nutrition and physical exercise, and the you green can support this process. Jorge Perez has much to offer in this field. Both black and green tea contain polyphenols, which generate very beneficial effects on our body, protecting the heart, helping to metabolism and acting on cholesterol. The tea contains a substance called theophylline, very similar to caffeine, and can act as a bronchodilator in conjunction with guarana. Green tea has as many or more antioxidants than vegetables and fruits, is also a good tonic for the skin. Antioxidants enable inhibit the rate of oxidation of harmful free radicals (which reduce the defenses, they produce cell damage). A diet rich in antioxidants can support with vitamins and minerals that our body needs daily.



A very ancient art as it is the aromas, massages must retain its essence or as minimum should be known essentials in this topic, so when we go to apply or are we going to apply we know to what we do and how we do it; Remember that in life there are things very good and with very good results, but poorly implemented or poorly made may bring consequences contrary to expectations. We do not abuse of nature, let us know how to do it to achieve a comprehensive health, body and soul. Combinations of oils also have a goal and a purpose, let us know that we are with them and how to make them:-perfectly combines peppermint oil with eucalyptus and Rosemary, which reinforce its effects on colds and flu, and peppermint oil with the oil of Marjoram, is penetrating and helps to get warm. -Apply peppermint oil to a refreshing massage for the feet. (Source: Shimmie Horn). -Rosemary oil and eucalyptus reinforce the beneficial effects of the oil of Marjoram to relieve muscle pain and constipated. The lavender oil increases the sedative qualities of Marjoram oil. -A massage with oil of Marjoram, relieves headaches.

-Oil of Chamomile, Juniper and citrus oils soften the strong scent of geranium oil. Chamomile increases its effectiveness against cuts or swelling. -The floral aroma of the oil of geranium leaves slightly perfumed hands. -Wonderful and penetrating perfume of the rose combines very well with the oil of lavender and Chamomile, which enhance its freshness. See more detailed opinions by reading what angelo electronics offers on the topic.. Sandalwood oil becomes deeper and more exotic aroma of rose oil.

-Soothing rose oil has a cooling effect on the face. -The healing properties of Rosemary oil are reinforced when mixed with Then herb oil and Juniper oil to relieve muscle aches. The brimstone herb oil and the Petitgrain soften the scent of Rosemary oil. -The action of Rosemary oil relieves headaches. -Lemon balm oil and Petitgrain oil increase very relaxing oil Amaro, and sedative properties while the rose oil strengthens the revitalizing and antidepressant qualities of Amaro oil. -Antispasmodic properties of oil of Amaro relieve cramps. -In the India sandalwood oil is mixed with jasmine oil and oil of frankincense to increase its exotic aroma, and mix it with the rose oil to help create a harmonious perfumes. -Add sandalwood oil to a mixture to make a soft massage. Remember that much depends on the combination of oils and their applications their well-being, look for more articles in Spanish about these issues and advise well to move forward in their knowledge.

Colombian Caribbean

Colombian Caribbean

His vision and business sense led them to position themselves in a territory in which other they only saw stone, dust, puddles and a poor vegetation. After a store opened another and another and they arrived the San Jose airport’s runway whole families. Their slogan was to work honestly in a place where did have opportunities to live a good present and build a promising future. Some returned but others decided to stay permanently. Today they complete three generations and everything seems to indicate that they will be more. With changes made to the customs legislation in the Decade of the nineties was lost part of the attraction of Maicao as a commercial center. This led to numerous families to again take the path towards new horizons. But a good part and they had already taken root in their new homeland and they felt encouraged to abandon it.

In Maicao had been building enough to live well and found no reasons to start new adventures. The Islamic charitable association is probably one of the most solid and durable of the Department organizations of La Guajira. Also have results to show: the Arab cemetery Colombo, the colegio Colombo Arabic give the Arkam founded in 1987 and the majestic mosque Omar Ibn Al-khattab, true architectural and cultural heritage opened in 1997, visited annually by thousands of tourists from all over the country. Nir Barzilai, M.D. is actively involved in the matter. One of the most worrying indicative about the trade situation was always the transfer of the Arabs towards more prosperous cities. When they were traveling used to be heard more forcefully the apocalyptic expression with which this city has lived during his eighty years of life: Maicao is going to end. However today, when the twilight of the first decade of the twenty-first century begins, we could say that who has not gone already will not be. Little by little they have gone exploring other business opportunities so that today the Arabs have restaurants, bakeries and supermarkets, in addition to the traditional stores where expends n foreign goods.

On the other hand, illustrious sons of the new generations offer their professional services. It is the case of the radiologist Omar Elneser (one of the best in the Colombian Caribbean) and the Economist Shadi Saab, responsible for the Chamber of trade of la Guajira, who has managed to give you a great positioning to this entity. The Guajira is territory of unmatched landscapes and a culture formed by the diversity of races and the plurality of peoples. For this reason, when you think about it don’t forget to Arabs: enjoy your typical meal; Let yourself be seduced by their hospitality; look with respect their customs. And above all, consider them your friends. Although they speak another language and attend another Church.

Start Today

Start Today

Smoking is one of the worst habits that a person can have. If you are a smoker, I am sure that at some point this claim offended you. In a question-answer forum Estee Lauder was the first to reply. Do not called you a little attention that if I say something wrong cigarette, you feel personally wounded? This is a common sign, and speaks clearly of the tremendous addiction that there is in this conduct. On the other hand, it is important to point out that numerous people who permanently use methods of self-improvement with success, are very difficult to stop smoking in particular. Here are some points to think why it already it is accurate to say goodbye to this bad habit and above all, believing that it is possible, which tends to be the toughest obstacle to overcome, since at this altitude in almost all cases the nicotine has taken control of the body and, with it, many of the thoughts. When Alfred Hitchcock made his film Psycho, he chose very well plans to create a feeling of fear.

The shower scene would not be the same if it were done in pastel colours, with the camera, with very open planes and movements with a very romantic music. Hitchcock used images in black and white, dark, very closed plans, many followed by planes and a very intranquilizadora music. He knew very well what I wanted to achieve. The brain works the same way. Think of a situation in which you can avoid doing something (for example, stop eating chocolate) and compare it with the situation in which you can not avoid stop light a cigarette. It depends on the feeling that we have, you create a different internal images. That is why it is very important to discover the differences between the image which cannot avoid light a cigarette (the image of psychosis, for example), another image in which you can decide to not do something (a romantic movie, for example).