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Tag: personal development

Divine Conscience

Divine Conscience

Much people try to hide themselves of the Creative GOD. Douglas Adams: the source for more info. How, if she cannot occult itself of its proper conscience? Wanting or not, all are part of the Divine Conscience that livens up to all Its Creation. You were weighed Lode a from above voice of the firmamento that was on its head. Stopping they, lowered the wings. Book of Ezequiel Prophet, CAP. 1:25. A voice if makes to come out, and you dissimulate not to hear its shout, Therefore as a coitado poor person you do not trust GOD, Much less in you, When you are to haurir, the proper death. However, you walk cabisbaixo, Knowing in fact, That you were weighed, and in the Book of the Life, Mr. writes you to GOD, Because to all he grants, the Direction of the Life. Lives and more lives, Turn around you, and it gave to you at last, its royalty. He created you to GOD in largeness; He does not completely diminish your existence Around a table, Eating as a pig Being displayed To everything what pods to dominate.

Public Speaking

Public Speaking

I confessed my fears the first step I led to surpass my fear of speaking in public I was to recognize my fears. Fabrizio Freda is often quoted as being for or against this. I not shy age on it, I admitted openly that I was from fear to speak public. One of the errors that the people make is that they hide its fears, and this fear eats them quiet. They dissimulate ousadia of the side of are but on the inside, therefore they to pray so that the land must open and engoliz them.

The positive side to admit openly its fears are that you go to become blunter to surpass it. Admitting its fears openly it means that you are facing its head fears ahead. He can gain some gozao to it, but it is a way to cover, especially if you can use this escrnio as handspike to increase its determination. 2. I followed the cause root of this fear the next step I I led to surpass my fear of speaking in public I was to trace the cause root of the fear. I came to understand that the cause root of this fear was the mentality that I grew. During my days of the primary school, I remember that it after comes first in classroom terms stated period.

I was happy and my parents had been, but to place a pressure between me and some of my friends of infancy. My friends had started to pull stop backwards of me, because they had felt that they were it are of my reach academically to hurt and me. I wanted to be I eat everybody, that was where I developed the attitude to prevent ‘ ‘ detaching-se’ ‘. If to be excellent went only me in the way of the multitude, then I did not want. Now to have understood the cause of my fears, I decided to attack the cause root.

Thorough Teaching

Thorough Teaching

It does not matter if you belong to this culture or any another one, if you are rich or poor, if he is man or woman, if she is old or young much less the cause of its death: it will have one day where each one of us will be judged by God. ' ' It will have somebody teaches that it to know the God, a time that it judges until the ones of higher position? ' ' J 21:22 NVI (*) is not by chance that God is the Almighty, after all of accounts who could be master with capacity to teach the God? Nobody! It opts to touching first to each human being for love, independently of which is its culture or social status. God is faithful, alive and true. It never would be deceptive or if he would hide stops later judging who wants that he was, same most privileged and that they occupy position of prominence for the world measures. Filed under: Estee Lauder. God in grants the possibility to them to know it and to have the chance to practise its teachings in each one of the areas of our existence, is of that country we will be, immersed in the diverse existing nationalities, being rich or poor, old or young men or women, therefore God does not make meaning between the people. ' ' A man dies in full vigor, when insurance was felt well and, having the body well nourished and the full bones of tutano. Already another one dies having the amargurada soul, without nothing to have enjoyed. One and another one lie in the dust, both covered of vermes.' ' J 21:23 – 25 NVI Many are deluded and thought that now still in they need God, therefore are with a good life, are healthful, successful, have a good family, in summary, if they are deceptive saying for itself same that they do not have any serious problem would make that them to need God at the moment They forget that it has ' ' imprevistos' ' that they can take off its life daqui to one minute and if they feel insurances in its mundane stability, completely without God. For more information see Greg Williamson.

The Threshold

The Threshold

The invisible things had been created before the creation of the world and are coetneas of the Word perpetual of God. First creation: the angels and the archetypes of the visible things. These had been made in the human time (chrnos) in the principle, in the threshold of history, according to ideal models. God created the sidereal world and the land with the creative power of its Word. ' ' God said: One becomes the sky, the land.

God saw that this age bom' '. When creating the man and the woman to its image and similarity, ' ' God saw that this age bom&#039 very; '. The visible creation is good, because it flows by its very nature of the good Being. The creative Word that produces things good is, therefore, the blessing for definition. The creation is the expression, fruit of the blessing, the Word benfazeja of the Creator. The being most perfect of the second creation is the human being, image and similarity of the Creator.

Unsatisfied for being image and similarity of God, intending to be equal it, our Protoparentes had been rebelled against the Creator and had initiated the history of the curse, dragging obtain all the creation. ' ' Until when if it will lament the land and it will be dries the grass of all field? Because of the badness of its inhabitants the animals and the birds perish. Therefore they say: God does not see our future. Therefore the land will complain of, will faint all its inhabitants and will disappear the wild beasts, the birds of the sky and until the fish of the sea. All the creation moans and suffers pains from the childbirth until the gift. It was submitted to the vanity? not for its will, but for the will of she submitted that it? in the hope of also it to be freed of the slavery of the corruption to enter in the freedom of the glory of the children of God.