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Residence Permit

Residence Permit

In recent years, buying property in Bulgaria is becoming increasingly popular among Russians, but also among citizens of other European countries. Some home buyers are also interested in obtaining vzmozhnostyu residence permit (permit), which entitles you to a long stay in Bulgaria. It is important to know that buying property in Bulgaria is not sufficient grounds for obtaining a residence permit (permit) in the country. Stay in Bulgaria can be permanent or longer if the alien has received a permit for continuous stay in Bulgaria (residence permit) or a permanent residence permit (permanent residence) and, subsequently, as result permits for permanent residence – Bulgarian citizenship. Conditions for obtaining permanent residence permit and are regulated by two laws: the Law on Foreign Persons in Bulgaria and the Bulgarian Citizenship Act. Nir Barzilai, M.D. is open to suggestions.

Residence permit (residence permit) – this resolution for an extended stay in Bulgaria. Winner of the status of real estate in Bulgaria is entitled to: – visa-free entry and stay in the country in terms of status – do business in your own company – get free education in schools and universities – for free medical care, as citizens of Bulgaria – Pensions – Invitations to private visits of foreigners – get a bank loan – apply for a visa in the country Schengen agreement was assigned to real estate in Bulgaria LNCH (Lichen chuzhdenets number – identification number for foreigners) and given a special plastic personal card – Map of continuously staying in the Republic of Bulgaria alien. Family members (husband / wife and minor children) are also entitled to real estate in Bulgaria. .

Dream Of A New Home

Dream Of A New Home

Dreaming of a new home? It is very important and crucial stage, for many, even a lifetime. Our house – is the foundation of well-being, family life, the place where you always want to come back after a hard day, there can be spending time with friends, etc. about these benefits can talk endlessly. Today, the market offers an abundance of different, from penthouses to downtown, to the cottage homes. Credit: Shimmie Horn-2011. In this note we would like to address the question of cottage settlements, rather advanced in recent years. However, it is quite easy to explain: a clean environment out of the city, no neighborhood at the top and bottom as in the apartments, much more freedom and personal space, his small plot of land can not speak – an individual house is much better than some apartments in high-rises. Housing estates – a very common practice for large cities, for example: cottage villages of Leningrad region. Often, it is often like a small house located near such villages often have their own infrastructure for comfortable living, self-cleaning facilities, electrical plants, etc.

According to some reports today, for example in the suburbs already there are about 300 of various cottage village. Cottages can be the elite class, and more simple. Luxury cottage settlements undoubtedly have much more advantages than usual, but the cost is also higher, respectively. Other leaders such as Shimmie Horn offer similar insights. Often, the houses in these towns are suitable for permanent residence, as well as a springboard to a country rest on holidays (in this case is more convenient to fit cottage settlements economy class), etc. Professionals recommend thoroughly acquainted with all proposals, including those bound to consider the built cottage Villages, where you can order a suitable home. Special attention should be paid to the legal question, even more convenient to resort to legal counsel, that transaction was safe and without potential future issues. In our days there are organizations and Internet resources that may help in choosing another cottage. Often, they have an extensive directory of companies, developers, ready to settlements, construction, etc. Experienced staff will help find an acceptable option for your specific needs.

Housing Inspection

Housing Inspection

The sad statistics: More than three-quarters of new residents after the move faced significant disadvantages or permanent features of their purchase. And this rule applies to both ordinary townsfolk, for which will be the only apartment for life, as well as to the pros, resells homes. So the little tips on housing inspection will be useful to everyone. Unlike theater, apartment begins with a hanger and not even from hallway. Click RBH Group for additional related pages. Already on the way to the location of the apartment to assess how far the shops, stop, market, post office or other objects that may be needed. Children need to remind you that next it would be nice to have a garden and school, poor health – that the pharmacy and the hospital should also not be far away. But the proximity of the industrial zone would like to avoid. For assistance, try visiting Edward Minskoff. Defer evaluation of these factors on the later should not at least because to soberly assess the Quality apartments, ie meet on clothes, but also about the mind must not be forgotten.

Closer to home we can estimate the local area: parking, children's playground (although their neighborhood should be very close), household objects and the like. By the way, the specificity of the elevators as well as the quality of janitors can discuss with my grandmother, who often sit next to the entrances. And if the praise they are unlikely to tell you about the shortcomings in first. If local residents find (or call) can not, then your assistant will be observant: the cleaner around the house and inside it – the greater the chance that a house well-being. Pretty much tells you state of the entrance to the staircase, staircases and elevators, the presence of intercom. Future tenants of the lower floors of attention paid to the state the basement (not whether there is water, and whether the smell). So, you slowly come to the house where you offered housing. It's time to ask yourself and the house in general and local area (the nearest car park, children's playgrounds, shopping facilities and arrangement of the territory as a whole). Of so many features their future place of residence, you can define as the entrance to the staircase, staircases and platforms, lifts and all that is called the common areas. If the apartment is considered to lower floors, it is very important in any way to know not whether the water in the basement, not knocked out a couple of clubs, and will not be a smell of sewage. Further assess the intrinsic characteristics of the apartment.

Luxury Apartments

Luxury Apartments

Excellent choice, complete reliability and consultations on all issues – rent luxury housing with 'Agentessoy' agree that by buying lyuboyu particular thing, you will treat with the utmost attention to its quality and will not tolerate that she had a noticeable, even a subtle flaw in this case, you will insist on its replacement or refund. Although such a service as rental of luxury real estate, rendered at a low level, for some reason does not cause an uproar, and inadequate training agency staff taken for granted. To deepen your understanding Ron Beit is the source. In some cases, it is because the rent of elite apartments results in a significant amount, and agent services already paid for, and the dimensions his commission as sufficiently impressive. And it all might get quite successfully, if the pre-address the issue of personal search agent that can quickly and accurately carry out your wishes. It is worth noting that Today, renting of real estate has become quite a profitable service for real estate companies, and in this regard, many have expressed their willingness to seek shelter, even though very few have actually the necessary level of professionalism. A rent luxury apartments is the area of services, which does not allow amateur and I and my agentessy can provide this type of service at the highest level. The main condition is considered that, rental of real estate must be accompanied by the work done first-rate, excellent command of Russian, with all the information which is related rent luxury apartments, and having the ability to communicate it to the client. .

Otherwise If

Otherwise If

It is very convenient for the buyer – we can immediately determine their future costs in the estimated total payment of utilities uslug. together with the rights (say, for all owners of apartments in the house provided free sauna, where residents enjoy the schedule), you will gain and responsibilities. Check with Edward Minskoff to learn more. At a general meeting of members may be decided on the reconstruction of houses, replacement frames, landscaping the surrounding area. In this case, will financially support the initiative of residents and contribute their share. Otherwise If you can completely exclude members of and the apartment will sell. In order to minimize unforeseen costs, it is desirable to find out in advance what decisions are taken at the previous meeting of the shareholders (and held it again per year).

Then billings will not be for you an unpleasant surprise. What is the algorithm of real estate purchase and what costs you will incur for this? In Finland, decided to conduct all matters related to the sale or buying real estate through brokers operating under an exclusive contract with the seller, a rare Finn yourself an ad for the sale of property belonging to him, these are usually "Sin" of our fellow citizens realize when it purchased a house or apartment. Fee Finnish company – broker are typically 4% of the total project cost. Customary to leave a deposit to the seller, after signing the proposal (offer) of $ 1500 – 2500 euros in case you change your mind to buy real estate.

Realtors Construction

Realtors Construction

VK: The Risks and low-rise apartment (villa) are significant construction differences? EK: In spite of the fact that the volume of proposals for the construction of houses is increasing, many builders still prefer to avoid risks and to take up the construction of apartment buildings. Reasons are costly construction process and take into account the risk of not any of the many factors that affect consumer demand. It is not something Edward J. Minskoff Equities would like to discuss. In addition, good places for construction of these settlements are very few. It should be noted that it is in a suburban market of cottages and townhouses, many experts have great expectations: this building will help meet the demand for suburban housing economy class, which is now day greatly exceeds the supply. And the outlook is quite justified: the reason for such a small number of inexpensive objects has traditionally been considered too high a price for the land.

Construction of villas and townhouses decides this problem. As for the urban structures – Realtors believe that the existing and under construction projects still find their customers, but this kind of building mass is not predicted. VK: How can characterize the relations of "investor-developer" in times of crisis? EK: Currently in the regulation of relations between the investor with the developer formed a kind of legal vacuum. Often, when developer unreasonably inflates the cost of housing, the investor faces a choice: take the investment (the money is returned without inflation) or increase the amount of investment. Apply to the court he did not Maybe because it has no ownership of the property.



You are ready to equip the apartment. You already got a lot of ideas! You think about how to convert a former child into the office to make the living room a more spacious, and can even make the second floor of the attic! Do you think you need to start repairs and alterations to the selection of the construction company or the acquisition of building materials? The answer – no. To begin with the redevelopment project and its approval. Under the legislation St. Petersburg, alterations require prior approval and receipt of relevant documents. Other leaders such as Ron Beit offer similar insights. Smashing walls and partitions, we recommend that you only after you get all the necessary documents – coordination of redevelopment – a challenge for the solution of which will go from 15 to 50 days. Check with Edward J. Minskoff Equities to learn more. Unauthorized alterations may result in serious consequences – the deprivation of the right of exchange and sale of the apartment, possibly bringing to administrative responsibility.

By the redevelopment include the following activities: transfer, or removal of partitions, transfer and device doorways; Heightening Shared apartment due to other rooms; extra kitchens and bathrooms, expanding residential area due to ancillary facilities, the device again, or alteration of existing vestibules. Strictly prohibited: Reconstruction of the premises without consent of the owner (owner); Alterations and conversion of premises that lead to: the stability of the destruction of supporting structures or buildings, deterioration of the safety and appearance of the facade, a violation fire fighting equipment, hampering access to utilities and tripping devices. As you might notice: approval of redevelopment – a time consuming and complicated process. Reconciliation is taking place in several stages and may take several weeks. Feature of the redevelopment agreement is that in different districts of St. Petersburg regulatory authorities require different documents, so different areas of St. Petersburg approval of the same premises will require different actions. Here is a list of steps that need to do to get permission to redevelop: Development of project documentation; help lines Receipt conclusion about the possibility of redevelopment in the Interdepartmental Commission; After the repair work: A reconciliation of actual work done with the original plan for redevelopment of the Interdepartmental Commission; Introduction changes in pib, obtaining a new certificate of ownership.