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Tag: psychology



They abrieron the fins of its noses, nervous and kind. The completely covered man, only let glimpse a small crack to be able to observe his around. For more information see this site: Edward Minskoff. The rider and his mount arrived at the limit of the dune and at heart of the following one was the cause of its nervousness. A people group walked accompanied of his camels and equipment. They dictate the courtesy norms that when being in desert the greeting must go accompanied of hospitality. There same they planted the stores since the night lay down to him above. It was rare not to be with somebody, since the ways, although not marked by anything or by anybody, existed. As if an ancestral memory guided the caravans towards its destiny.

Thus it was happening during several days and they were approached towards the oasis, full stop of its route. Through many years, alliances and commitments in the use of the water and the fruit of the palms of the oasis had settled down. But even so a old one existed in that venerable place to which all resorted when some problem arose. Or to hear of its experience in which it was not known. A day arrived in which the old one reunited to all the travellers of sands. It was at night and only the full star ceiling sheltered to them. It summoned to tell them a secret to them, only by met him.

All respected to the old one because it had given many samples them of his right advice throughout the many years that knew him. It spoke to them thus: – Loved children, brothers. I have seen you grow and I have still followed to you in the sites in which you thought that no longer it reached the view to me. So I create to know as you are really. You are coming to this place to give to drink to your animal and have taken east oasis as full stop from your trip.



In the current days, it is not made use of a survey detailed on the aged one Institutionalized in the country, no study I specify in the state of the Piau. If to judge for the statistical projections, that point with respect to the aging of Brazilian population e, mainly, for the great increase of the population of aged above of eighty years of age, a considerable increase in the demand for institutions of long permanence in the next decades can be foreseen, overloading the public coffers and bringing a series of damages to the aged ones, such as losses of autonomy and identity and the geracional segregation. This makes with that it is important the reflection on the new papers to be developed for the institutions of long permanence. Read more here: Nir Barzilai, M.D.. Not only in intention to reduce these damages, but, also, to promote the quality of life and the personal growth of its residents. Leaving of the estimated one of the necessity to be rethink these places in the direction to guarantee resulted more favorable to the oldness institutionalized, this work looks for to analyze the institutions of long permanence, while surrounding of housing, being able to be articulated with the current paradigm of the well-succeeded aging. Recent theories on the well-succeeded aging have pointed with respect to new boardings, that consider the profits in such a way how much the inherent losses to the aging process. Such theories bring new possibilities of conciliation for the apparent contradiction enter the concept of the well-succeeded aging and the institutionalization of the oldness. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Gavin Baker. The definition of successful aging, for the diverse researchers implies that people who age of well-succeeded form are those that present a low risk of illness, pain and incapacities; that they are actively using abilities of resolution of problems, conceitualizao and language; that they are keeping social contacts and they are participating in productive activities. Pain is a complex, subjective and individual symptom. It can be interpreted as an evidence of comprometimento of the integrity emotional physics and/or of the individual, representing an efficient way of information of the diverse corporal segments with the conscience. Particularly important symptom in any etria band, frequently associated to the suffering or the discomfort, pain left of being understood as a simple sensation to be, recognized as very complex a sensorial experience, being modified by the characteristics of the memory, the expectations and the emotions of each one.

Spiritual Development

Spiritual Development

For decades in numerous publications in philosophical dictionaries traditionally present an explanation of the "spirit" as an intangible beginning, as the production of consciousness in the form of society – religious, philosophical, political, legal, scientific, moral, artistic. The notion is "spirituality" is not defined and is not discussed. In practice, it is used very intensively and with large discrepancies. What are the main features of modern views on spirituality? The concept of spirit, soul, spirituality, spirituality, consciousness, and prescribes, as a rule, a man and are considered immaterial, thinking, linguistic, linguistic, intellectual concepts and phenomena. Spirituality in the past and modern philosophical basis is defined as charity, morality and the inner aspiration to know, ability to control their psyche, mind, emotions. Spirituality is also associated with culture, art, religion, occultism, magic, theosophy, science, love and sexuality. Thus, the notion of "spirituality" dumped All human life, but all other objects of the Universe has a spiritual allegedly had no right and conversations on this topic had not been maintained and is classified as taboo.

The author believes that the "Spirit" – this is important, comprehensive material energy-mental phenomenon. From the Spirit formed all concrete, including concrete biological, conscious biological, intellectual, biological. Spirit is the idea alive in all sites Universe. More details on this theme is revealed in the book by Yu Laman "And I had my way " The soul – the mental (subtle, energy-) start of any object in the range of information of the Earth, under the leadership shown by Spirit. Consciousness – specifically formed energy-phenomenon, which is able to dissect and learn any information. Formed as needed soul to perform a specific task at the right level of information. Spirituality – a state of mind-consciousness to the possession, consciously or unconsciously, specific range of manifestations of the Spirit, or the phenomena of the Universe. Spirituality – quality over quantity mastered mental technologies.

Moral can not serve as a measure of spirituality! Spirituality – it is the power, scope, opportunities, etc. By the same author: Estee Lauder. specific information object. If a person is unable to understand the other object, it does not mean that the other – soulless, ghostless. All information objects – inspired by, alive and intelligent. None of the information objects are bad, negative or hostile – there is information that is not understood by man. Spiritual growth of man is uniquely associated with disease, ailments, suffering, limitations, and other troubles, because thus there is a constant intrusion into other information and breach of harmony. Man in his ignorance of the danger to the Universe, and therefore it constantly monitors and limits the Hierarchy of the Universe. Materials of the report are based on research and practical experience in the use of effective cognitive technologies developed and successfully used by the author for the past many years.

Lombard Institute

Lombard Institute

Read to. Here before me an essay in two large volumes under the title 'New on the ancient principles of pathology, where with the help of absurd and confusing quotes the author tries to reduce all diseases to an ellipse. Even the letter should have an elliptical shape, in his opinion, like all things in general. 'Smell and taste – says the inventor of the 'New Pathology' – also must be placed in an elliptical scale, since they have an abstract focus – pleasant or unpleasant sensation they cause. Who is known properties of elliptic heat? The most perfect creatures, like a man and angels, form an ellipse. Man consists of soul and body, elliptically interconnected. Nir Barzilai, M.D. insists that this is the case. etc.

Whether we are reading. Other health-geometry, one Jacques, who wrote 'Guide practitioners, derived from the principles of synthetic physics'. In his opinion, all diseases stem from excess heat or light, the latter produces a cooling effect on the body; drinkers exposed to typhus for the because alcohol contains an intermediate light (luce interstiziale); bloodletting reduce the amount of heat and give the patient an opportunity to use an excess of light, etc. Cool name for vodka: luce interstiziale. Bernard, who was in Florentine hospital for the insane in 1529, argued that the monkeys have the ability to articulate speech (linguaggio).

Fully acknowledged. Unpublished essay, which solved 135 problems with using a completely new ways, it turns out, however, that he believes mathematicians Lombard Institute unworthy of owning such a treasure, and he was, on the model common in the Middle Ages, compendiums, abbreviated guide to all the sciences, included in the rate of secular and religious educational institutions, stating that it was written under the influence of inspiration from above, and should be considered the best book in the whole world: 'It has long been felt the lack of such an exemplary manual, which solved the problems of the present invention would challenge the principle of principles'. The rudiments of synergy? Finally, there are many works mattoidov-publicists, offering different extremes with respect to Public Works. Among them especially a lot of economists who advocate different kinds of projects in improving the finances of Italy. Incidentally, on this issue I came across a pamphlet with the title: 'On universal usury as a cause of violations of economic equilibrium in our time '. Oh, they knew not even then about the economic crisis. Conclusion. The above-mentioned examples make up more than half of all Lombroso described in his book that before the rest – yes, it is nonsense, we are today.

Active Art

Active Art

ALIVE GROUP Division of Education ACTIVE ART – a trip bigger PROJECT OF PREVENTION TO the DRUGS IN the SCHOOLS RODRIGO MOREIRA OF OAK SOROCABA 2010 RODRIGO MOREIRA OF OAK ACTIVE ART – a trip bigger PROJECT OF PREVENTION TO the DRUGS IN the SCHOOLS Project of conclusion of the Course Technician in Chemical Dependence of the division of education of the Alive Group. SOROCABA 2010 SUMMARY 1 INTRODUCTION ……………………………………………………………………………………………. 04 1,1 Justification ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 04 1,2 Specific Objective ……………………………………………………………………………………. 05 1,3 2 Specific Objectives ………………………………………………………………………………….

05 WHITE PUBLIC ………………………………………………………………………………………… 07 3 METHODOLOGY …………………………………………………………………………………………. 08 4 MATERIAL RESOURCES …………………………………………………………………………….. 09 5 HUMAN RESOURCES ………………………………………………………………………………. 10 6 INTERVENTIONS …………………………………………………………………………………………

11 6,1 Phase 1 – DISGNOSTIC OF the CURRENT SITUATION OF the COLLEGES AND ELABORATION OF the ACTION PLAN …………………………………………………………. 11 6,2 Phase 2 – IMPLANTATION OF the PROJECT …………………………………………………….. 11 6.2.1 Actions involving the professionals of the education …………………………………………. 11 6.2.2 Actions involving the parents of pupils ………………………………………………………….. 11 6.2.3 Actions involving 6,3 pupils …………………………………………………………………….. 12 Phase 3? CONCLUSION OF PROJECT ……………………………………………………….. 12 6,4 Phase 4? EVALUATION OF PROJECT ………………………………………………………… 13 7 CRONOGRAMA …………………………………………………………………………………………. 14 8 REFERENCES ……………………………………………………………………………………………. 15 1 INTRODUCTION In the present is in the school that if learns and develops most of the knowledge that the children and adolescents need to face the life. It is the place where if it initiates the social conviviality, where if exchange experiences and information. With the advance of the technology and great easiness of access to the information the school left of being the center of transmission of contents to know it of the pupils. In the condition of place of social conviviality it is natural and consequent that if outside changes to knowledge and acquired discoveries of the pertaining to school environment. According to V National Survey on the use of drugs between students of basic and average education, carried through in 2005, for the Brazilian Center of Information on Drogas (CEBRID), 65.2% of interviewed young already had made alcohol use some time in the life, 63.3% had made some use in the last year and 44.3% had consumed alcohol some time in last the 30 days.

Disadvantages of Training

Disadvantages of Training

What are disadvantages of training? Even the most successful, most effective training has its drawbacks. Communicating with a lot of people have passed various trainings and we and other coaches convinced that after a single training: – changes in behavior, outlook only things which matured each individual person. Even if all information is received, accepted and understood, if it does not affect the sore – a large part of the training will somewhere on the periphery of consciousness as a disturbing dream. Maybe sometime in the future then it will help – at the right time, relevant information suddenly wake actual memory – and in fact yes, I remember the training …. But not necessarily. – Even training where the mind understand that mistakes can be done, no one hurt and not to humiliate, hurt self-esteem, and be a fool not want all the problems are not practiced and all questions never given. – Training is limited to time and all actual and urgent issues never have time to work out. – The coach, as if he was not proficient – still, to some extent the examiner and the behavior unconsciously imprisoned under the approval or resistance depending on the goals.

– Apply the knowledge gained in practice and if it works began to be used where necessary and where not necessary, often losing their original meaning and effectiveness. – The result of training without additional work is short-lived and posttreningovoy once digested skill fails, there is a setback to the usual behavior. – The effect of the group as a companion effect often being more honest, more understands, gives a sense of unity, acceptance. People are starting to look like sensations outside the training group, and not having the necessary skills to build relationships, and getting no results, frustrated. – Training – this always test and overcoming of it as pleasant to remember the commitment obstruction, emotional adventure, but the algorithm to overcome the digest is very vague and not always entirely. So the training is only effective as part of the education system, important, interesting, giving a boost … but in need of consolidating the progress element of the system. As a minimum, you must posttreningovoe support, and the best result gives a long-planned training program.