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Water And Earth

Water And Earth

The existence of liquid water, and to a lesser extent, gaseous and solid dosage forms on Earth is vital to the existence of life on Earth as we know it. The land is located in a residential area of the solar system, if it was slightly closer to or farther from (about 5%, or about 8 million km), the conditions that must be present simultaneously would be much less. Gravity of the earth allows him to retain the atmosphere. Water vapor and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere provides a temperature buffer (greenhouse effect), which allows you to maintain a relatively steady surface temperature. If Earth were smaller, thinner atmosphere allows extreme temperatures, thereby preventing the accumulation of water, except the polar ice caps (as on Mars). Surface temperature was relatively constant through geologic time, despite different levels of incoming solar radiation (insolation), indicating that the dynamic process of regulating the temperature of the Earth through a combination of greenhouse gases and surface or atmospheric albedo. This proposal is known as the Gaia hypothesis.

Water (hydrogen oxide) – clear liquid with no color (in a small volume), and smell. Chemical formula: H2O. In the solid state is ice or snow, as well as a gas – water vapor. About 71% of the Earth's surface is covered with water (oceans, seas, lakes, rivers and ice at the poles). It is a good solvent silnopolyarnym. Under natural conditions, always contains dissolved substances (salts, gases). Water is the key value in creating and sustaining life on Earth, in the chemical structure of living organisms in climate and weather.

The state of water on the planet depends on external pressure, which is determined by gravity of the planet. If planet sufficiently massive, the water it can be hard, even at high temperatures because of the high pressure caused by gravity. There are various theories about the origin of water on Earth. Water ice is present on: Earth – mainly ice sheets of polar ice caps on Mars, Titan Enceladus Europa and comets comet population source (in the Kuiper belt and Oort cloud objects). Water ice may be present on the Moon, Ceres, and Tethys. Water and other volatile components are likely to constitute a significant part of the internal structures of Uranus and Neptune.

Venezuelan Worker

Venezuelan Worker

The best soothsayer is the best Prophet. The Venezuelan worker in recent decades has gone through many turbulence, where some of them, such as unemployment, insecurity, low wages, lack of recognition, instability, many closings have affected or seriously behaviorally, conduct, their self-esteem, necessitating that seek actions, stimuli that rescue their self-esteem. Remember, it is learning to love us and we respect, it is something that is built or rebuilt on the inside. This depends on, also, of the family environment in which we and the stimuli that this gives us. Be considered, many of the emotional wounds that a person has produced in his childhood can cause psychological disorders emotional and physical (cancer, ulcers, hypertension, heart and eating disorders, problems in the skin, depression, etc.), causing difficulties in the life of the same (serious conflicts at work, decreased energy and creative ability, (a disastrous matrimonial relations not power make or keep friends, little understanding with daughters and sons). Elective of Personal growth of the school of management Professor has commented on this aspect, that the self-esteem of the worker Venezolano, should be taken into account as a feeling valuation if, in the manner of being and especially within the context of who we, so it creates the essence of their needs and expectations of life in harmony with values and optical perceive what surrounds us in humans. The above makes no sense from an essential point of view, but from an existential point of view has an important connotation in the life of each of us; It is responsible for the countless successes and failures in the course of a person’s life. If manage to understand that each of us possesses a scale of values dictated by the perception of the environment; and in turn, this person is a member of a family, social, occupational and academic, group that is part of a community, State and country, which is conditional on scale of moral, ethical and personal values; then only so we can elucidate the essence of self-esteem in decision-making and their affinity to the schemes of life for human beings in society.