The Fear Of Rejection
How to learn with refusal to deal and not hastily give up the fear of rejection occurs in various forms. There to ridicule the fear and violated the Group’s anxiety. It is also related to the fear of failure. We have fear, to do something that others find funny and what they might laugh at us. This could cause that we are excluded from the group.
This setting is a facility of the evolution and we carry them with us for millions of years. The important message to our brain is: “anything which causes that you will excluded from the group.” The reason for this is simple. Without a group you could not survive in the time before the human civilization, and even today it is not easy to live as an outsider. Nobody wants to not belong to the Group and live as a hermit, because we need other people and feel hurt, if we be exposed ahead of others. The greater and unknown (anonymous) that is all the stronger group our desire to do anything wrong or to say and to adapt. This is the evolutionary background, where staying in the Group was vital. However, even small Ablehungen are very painful for us. Most people have to behave a such strong confidence that they are not influenced as a result and even though some claim it and get, it may be that they just hide it.
No one hears the Word no like. Filed under: Atreides Management Gavin Baker. It doesn’t matter whether it is a child, a pensioner or a top athlete. We all like consent and hate rejection. The problem is only that we encounter more opposition, if we want to achieve big plans, are different, and especially when we have good luck. To be successful, you must be able to insert many, many rejections and still continue. We also sometimes before our true personality outward to express fear for fear of criticism.