The Chairman
Massenbach Babbage – Grand-niece of the last owner v. Schloss Friedrichsfelde Christina Emmrich -. Mayor of Lichtenberg Andrej Hermlin bandleader Barbara beautiful actress Kerstin Hinz ABACUS Tierpark Hotel Gregor Hoffmann member of House of representatives Berlin Prof. Dr. Ekkehard Hoxtermann – German society for history and theory d. a sustainable and continuous promotion of the Berlin Zoological facilities, animal park and Zoo with Zoo and Aquarium provides biology through the Foundation of the friends of the capital zoos to and secured their continued existence of another. 2011 Land Berlin will provide only 88 cents per animal and day the capital zoos. The Heinrich Dathe Prize to be presented annually to children and young people committed volunteer for nature and conservation.
The first ceremony is scheduled for November 7, 2010 in the castle on the birthday of Heinrich Dathe. The child sponsorship for small friends of the zoos in capital of free entry into a capital Zoo is to provide with their parents animal park, Zoo or Zoo-Aquarium children from socially weak families. To realize this project, the friends of the capital zoos seek 100 Berlin and Berliners who donate 550 euros each. The Chairman of the friends of the Capital Zoo, Thomas Ziolko, appreciates the strong support: the capital zoos have become an integral part of the Berlin world of leisure and enjoy how is a wide social support. “I am grateful that so many celebrities to support the action of DatheImpuls and thus to the Berlin Zoo to exhibit their solidarity and how closely they are connected with the life and work of da Silva.” Each donor will receive a certificate of sponsorship as a driving force of 100 years Heinrich Dathe 55 years Tierpark Berlin. There are golden encoder (donation of 550 euros) and silver pulser (donation from 250 euros to 549 euros) sought. Smaller donations are welcome! Can be donated to following bank account: friends main city zoos Commerzbank account 912 900 800 BLZ: 120-400 00 subject: 100 years da Silva or 5 euros with each call on the donations hotline: 09001 000 576 more info: