The Hope

The Hope

… Ensinar demands respect knowing to them of the educandos. Therefore to think certain places to the professor or, more widely, to the school, the duty of to know not only respecting them with that the educandos, over all of the popular classrooms, arrive it to know socially constructed in practical the communitarian one (Freire, 1996, P. 33). One of the forms of fight against the disrespect being able of them public for education, of a side, is our refusal to transform our teaching activity into pure peak, and of another one, our rejection to understand it and to exert it as practical affective.

The hope of that professor and pupils can learn, teach, inquietar us, to produce and together equally to resist the obstacles our joy. The hopelessness is the negation of the hope. The hope is an indispensable condiment the historical experience, without it would not have History, but pure determinismo. … Is necessary that, for the opposite, since the starts of the process, goes being each time than, more clearly even so different between itself, who form if form and remodels when forming and who is formed forms it the formed being.

It is in this direction that to teach not is to transfer knowledge, contents nor form is action for which a creative of the form, style or soul to a body drifter and accomodated citizen (Freire, 1996, P. 25) The professor has that to teach what he thinks and not what they impose in contents programmarians, to show in the essence the reality so that educating unmasks the risks. To accept the new concept of idea construction and form opinion without any descriminao of race, culture, sort, ect The society developed a concept based on the particularitities of each time becoming the human being molded its rules and trends that the elites favored what she formed some social inaqualities causing the conditioning of pensamente preset, authoritarian and normative.

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