The School
Why some have and others not? How much time the father or the mother passes with this son? They help it to make it the duties? They follow it in the pertaining to school life? Which the vocabulary of one and another one? What it determines the learning or is not a set of on factors to the daily life of the citizen, and to say that somebody does not have capacity to learn, because it was not born pra this, is beside the point unhappy. She is necessary to think seriously about the difficulties imposed for the formalism of the mathematical language, about the difficulties imposed for the effective politician-economic model in our country, the difficulties imposed for ' ' instituio' ' school. To reflect and to infer on these subjects are a way in the brainstorming serious, not mirabolantes, nor miraculous, but efficient. Why many masons, carpenters and marceneiros, illiterates, use the theorem of Pitgoras without never having heard to speak of it? All we can develop one ' ' thought matemtico' ' , at some moment of our lives? We see in the signals of transit, boys, girls, adolescents, adults vendendo candies, fruits, toys, the most varied objects. many of these do not frequent the school or had frequented it or left to frequent have it much time. Exactly they made when it, in general presented innumerable difficulties in operating with additions, subtractions, multiplications and divisions, without counting with difficulties in the writing, reading and speaks. In short, they were failed pertaining to school, in the direction amplest of the term. now, in the signals, carries through these operations with nimbleness and naturalness, receives money from its customers, gives changes, calculates the one prices or of some products, they divide the profits. carries through these calculations with exactness most of the time and mentally. They do not erram I change in it, therefore seno goes the profit even so, or the customers, and, in both the cases, are damage.