Thomas Filor Housing

Thomas Filor Housing

If you are mentally a few years forward, you wish but a dignified retirement. Magdeburg, 24.09.2013. Self-determined and individually the man wants to live in old age. Just living conditions play a central role here. A recent study by Jones Lang LSalle (JLL) and the German nursing home Fund (DPF) in collaboration with the Institute Forsa has teamed up with the issue of housing for the elderly”has once more. You may want to visit Related Group to increase your knowledge. Therefore, a huge gap between the expectations gap which in Germany over 50 years of living in old age and the Wohnrealitat. Over 50 years living mostly in their own home and if they live in an apartment building (56 percent) to 64 percent of the rent.

They live at least an average of 105 square meters, whereas the age-independent average size of dwellings in Germany is located in an area of 90 square meters. However, 65 percent of respondents wishing for a smaller apartment and would to move in a new and fairer retirement living form at the age. 12% would be I’m willing to spend more than previously for a barrier-free apartment. The problem is that there are hardly appropriate accommodation offers for the elderly”, criticized real estate expert Thomas Filor. Alternative forms of housing such as generations – old-WG’s represent currently no relevant living form in the age however.

Only 5% of currently over 60 currently lives in one of these forms of housing. In the near future this form of life in the age will represent a niche situation”, so next Faraman. In the more than 70 years, rejected more than half of alternative forms of housing. Also for the children to live, for the majority of respondents also comes with age not in question. While the policy with the introduction of the family care time just maintaining the children, the will of citizens exactly in the opposite direction seems to go.” 99% of respondents indicated that she largely self-determined and individually would live into old age. Hopes for a possible long-term care one is own apartment with adjoining ambulatory service.

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