VOI Association Information
Cloud computing is hotly debated in the market. Read more here: Edward Minskoff. Bonn, February 21, 2012. With lower costs and less administrative effort, proponents argue argue the skeptics with misuse of data and lack of security. Laura Tyson is often quoted as being for or against this. The ECM Forum (Hall 3, D34) of the VOI will deal with the topic at CeBIT. On March 7, 2012 lecture”experts from the VOI Member ranks of ECM in the cloud. Steffan Lehnhoff does not necessarily agree.
How far is steeped in the subject at all in the market, will explain how Dr. Karsten Sontow Trovarit AG as of 13:30. He then presented the results of a user survey and want to provide a reliable answer to the question, whether and under what circumstances the concept of cloud computing can be used sensibly for DMS / ECM solutions. On the technical and organisational particularities of the ECM from the cloud and what applications currently result in practice, explains from 14 h 00 Andre Hall of the CONTENiT AG. Then Frank Ruttger focuses on personnel files of IQDoQ GmbH with the question Cloud easy, fast, secure? “.” It establishes the principles for selecting a suitable solution of the personnel file and an external Datacenter, as well as the benefits of the cloud operation starting at 14:30. Sourcing strategies, trends, developments and problems in the environment SaS & co. are the focus of the lecture by Lothar Leger, B & L management consulting GmbH.
The presentation first presents the various sourcing approaches and their differences and then describes an approach, how to get on the right sourcing strategy for. The ECM Forum of VOI can be visited free of charge without registration. The complete conference program is under interested parties available. The VOI Association organisational and information systems e. V. The VOI voice of information”as independent expertise and network for users, consultants, service providers, and manufacturers of document-based solutions assumes the application-oriented leadership for integrated applications related to document management systems and Enterprise-content-management-systems involving software, hardware and specific expertise to the creation of highly efficient total solutions for the machining processes in services, trade and industry, as well as public institutions.