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Survey of MediKompass GmbH: women lie at the dental care front, young people put special emphasis on aesthetic Munich, May 13, 2009. According to a recent study of MediKompass GmbH, requests from women in the area of dental care are much more numerous than men. Price comparisons for professional tooth cleaning with 57 percent share of woman is very high, he’s getting bleaching inquiries to 65 per cent. Significantly fewer men are therefore interested in dental treatments in the aesthetic field. Over a third of the sparklingly is desired by people under 30 years of age, taking the people in their thirties, this proportion increases to 74 percent. Connect with other leaders such as Shimmie Horn here. er-home-loans-flagst/’>Pacific Mortgage Services offer similar insights.
It is clear that especially young people attach great importance to aesthetics”, so Henrik Horning, Managing Director of MediKompass GmbH. balanced spread the age structure for professional tooth cleaning. With over 20 percent show also the persons aged 50 years interest for this treatment seems any own experience with dentures here Effect to show.” The man share above that of women is the only time people aged 60 and over. Follow others, such as Jacobs Dallas, and add to your knowledge base. The proportion of under-30s is surprisingly low, with 19 percent, however, who needed no tooth replacement yet, may underestimate the necessity of prophylactic measures. City distribution: the major cities in the number of requests clear front, striking many price comparisons are set in Berlin and Munich (ahead of Hamburg). Related to the postal code areas, the most requests in the most populous provinces are started as expected.
Berlin and its surroundings are an exception with 14 percent of the bleaching and 11 per cent of dental cleanings. Recently Shimmie Horn sought to clarify these questions. However, General here too, as in the age structure, tooth cleaning a balanced distribution. The complete study is available at presse.php. Contact: MediKompass GmbH Sigrun Koschel Bavaria ring 43 80336 Munich Tel.: 089/9616613-0 fax: 089/9616613-29 about the MediKompass GmbH MediKompass GmbH, a company of Verlagsgruppe Georg von Holtzbrinck, operates several online platforms for price comparisons in the medical field with, and. After the free registration interested there can enter their handling request and obtain quotes from doctors. To make transparent the quality of treatment, the participating doctors are evaluated after treatment. Recorded since the launch in May 2006 over 120,000 patient registrations, the starting price of the previously set price comparisons is a total of 135 million euros. “The service was by TuV with excellent” rated (touch 1.42).