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Month: December 2018

The Threshold

The Threshold

The invisible things had been created before the creation of the world and are coetneas of the Word perpetual of God. First creation: the angels and the archetypes of the visible things. These had been made in the human time (chrnos) in the principle, in the threshold of history, according to ideal models. God created the sidereal world and the land with the creative power of its Word. ' ' God said: One becomes the sky, the land.

God saw that this age bom' '. When creating the man and the woman to its image and similarity, ' ' God saw that this age bom&#039 very; '. The visible creation is good, because it flows by its very nature of the good Being. The creative Word that produces things good is, therefore, the blessing for definition. The creation is the expression, fruit of the blessing, the Word benfazeja of the Creator. The being most perfect of the second creation is the human being, image and similarity of the Creator.

Unsatisfied for being image and similarity of God, intending to be equal it, our Protoparentes had been rebelled against the Creator and had initiated the history of the curse, dragging obtain all the creation. ' ' Until when if it will lament the land and it will be dries the grass of all field? Because of the badness of its inhabitants the animals and the birds perish. Therefore they say: God does not see our future. Therefore the land will complain of, will faint all its inhabitants and will disappear the wild beasts, the birds of the sky and until the fish of the sea. All the creation moans and suffers pains from the childbirth until the gift. It was submitted to the vanity? not for its will, but for the will of she submitted that it? in the hope of also it to be freed of the slavery of the corruption to enter in the freedom of the glory of the children of God.

Romantic Surprises

Romantic Surprises

Want to give your loved one is not a simple thing to use, and a miracle, the memory for a lifetime and a story. Suppose, by looking at you, he or she remembers the moments of joy, surprise and celebration that you have created their own small surprises! But how can this be achieved? It is possible, but should understand that the preparation of special, romantic and a surprise gift, requires more imagination, courage, ingenuity and time. This is not how to go and buy a set of Shaving or wallet, it is – creative meal, a piece of your soul, trying to get in tune with her beloved. On the other hand, it is very interesting. For example, it is interesting to consider why you are so fond of him or her? Call 100 reasons, and not just call and write down on paper. Then buy a new SIM card and start sending SMS messages favorite for one reason per hour. One hundred hours can come from him with a small gift and a big beautiful scroll, where calligraphy written by these "100 reasons why I love you" and glued together your picture. If you are good at writing lyrics describe the story of your love. You meet a whole year and procedure simply what to give for an anniversary? Give your love story! Recall that the interesting and unusual happened in each month of your relationship, some cute and funny details of absurdity – as you have erased the new leg shoes, and he carried you home in her arms as she wanted to bake you a delicious cake, but instead of sugar in a hurry blurted cup salt, and had to flee the purchase pizza story …

The Initiative

The Initiative

Although, in fact, it has long been ready for it, even subconsciously expect from day to day. In recent years the classic 'male version' deals are increasingly giving way to innovative 'feminine'. Modern women are no longer afraid to intercept the initiative in their hands get tired of waiting for some, while others are trying to load a part to take, and still others, knowing the uncertainty of his partner, helping take him to the final decision. Or woman is slowly but surely pushes man to think about the upcoming marriage, or put the question bluntly: "You're going to marry me?". The choice of a particular version of the proposal depends on a combination of several factors: the willingness to get married (albeit unconsciously), the nature of both partners in a pair of roles, etc. The proposal can be done in the standard form ('Marry me married! ") or in a veiled form. The first form is preferable as it hints can be perceived as childish.

Usually resort to veiled suggestion man, or unsure of themselves, or their intentions. On veiled a proposal easier said no. But the partner who made the proposal in the form of a hint, in case of failure will feel less disadvantaged (serious proposal and he did: as a little joke …). Creative people are prone to extraordinary acts may also make a proposal in a very unusual form. The main thing is to make sure that your partner will understand his intentions. However, the fiancee of a man should already used to his antics.

Pyramid Social

Pyramid Social

Thus, the satisfaction of a need to create another, a process that knows no end. a Pyramid of needs according to Abraham Maslow a Source: wikipedia. org / wiki / Image: Piramide_de_Maslow. svg groups needs by classification corresponds to: 1) physiological needs associated with normal homeostasis or equilibrium constant of the human organism, 2) safety needs or preference for stable survival in the world, 3) need possessiveness and love, linked to the individual's desire to establish personal relationships with their human environment, 4) esteem needs and self-price, reflecting the assessment that the person makes of herself with regard to the other, 5) needs self-development or implementation, arising from the study of man to explain their creative potential. The lower the need is more individualistic and selfish is the person who satisfies, from then on the other needs to apply for social interaction have a civil and convivencional.

a If we take as a clear example the theory of Thomas S. Kuhn 5, which so is a classic pattern a bit stale, we realize that in the field of consumption analysis and demand is a paradigm shift with respect to a more ideological point of view in a social universe centered as references for study and questions methodological studies that explain facts, the change had reference to the characteristics of the economic and social organization, be it simply Keynesianism. The condition is imposed in the Keynesian welfare state and it is where you create the system of social suboptimal eradication was central to the crisis factor of 29 in American society, with the growing crisis of unproductive consumption trends and policies hindering social labor force giving rise to subgroups of social conflict or class struggle.