Playful More
It makes possible to lives deeply who it, moments of meeting I obtain and with the other, moments of fancy and reality, ressignificao and perception, moments of self-knowledge and knowledge of the other, to take care of of itself and to look at for the other, life moments. Official site: RBH Group. A lesson with playful characteristics does not need to have games or toys. What it brings ludicidade for the classroom is much more one ' ' atitude' ' playful of the educator and the educandos. To assume this position implies sensitivity, envolvement, a change internal, and not only external, not only implies a cognitiva change, but, mainly, an affective change. The ludicidade demands an internal predisposition, what it is not acquired only with the acquisition of concepts, of knowledge, even so these are very important. A consistent theoretical recital of the o has supported necessary to the professor for the agreement of the reasons of its work. It is treated to more far go a little or, perhaps better saying, a little deeper. It is treated to form new attitudes, from there the necessity of that the professors are involved with the process of formation of its educandos. This is not so easy, therefore, implies to breach with a model, an instituted standard already, already internalizado. The challenging Pedagogia involves beyond the collective values and of team, they rescue auto-esteem of the professor, main agent of transformation participant of this process of ludo-education, therefore depends on it the opening to break old paradigms, as the constant use of the didactic book as used instrument for the professor in classroom to give copies and more copies what it moves away the pupils from the school make, them to think that the school nothing more is of what a place where the books are flat, the professors more still, nobody is happy and learning less still! It imagines what he is this to think for those pupils who already had become accustomed themselves to take off notes red and still superficially not to have motivation to search to improve its notes or worse, to have that to hear of who more could help it that: – They do not have interest in nothing, do not copy, do not like to read only want to play chess, to beat figurinhas etc! For times this playful demonstration is clear and many of our educators do not perceive the direction of the message passed for the pupils through this passion for the playful one, for the virtual challenge of the same video-game or of the computer.