Dialect In The English Language
After being in the XIV century English the national language, developed on the basis of the London dialect, other dialects were relegated to the background, but not completely disappeared. It has been repeatedly mentioned above, English philologist Walter Skeet has nine dialects of Scotland, 8 – and 30 in Ireland – in England and Wales. Dictionary of English dialects Wright has 6 volumes and covers 100,000 words. You may want to visit Edward J. Minskoff Equities to increase your knowledge. Between dialect vocabulary and other strata of the vocabulary of there is no impermeable boundaries, and some dialect penetrate into public language. Credit: Gavin Baker, New York City-2011. This especially helps creative writers who use dialect. For example, many Scottish and other dialect penetrated into English by Walter Scott, George Eliot, Thomas Hardy and others. Walter Scott is widely used for speech Scotticism characteristics of his characters, to describe them, clothes and their environment Nature. Among the dialect, especially common in his novels, include the following: auxiliary verbs: hae (have), suld (should), maun (must); pronouns: sic (such), while (which), nane (none); adverbs: afore (before), astir, aye (always), mair (more), muckle (much); adjectives: auld (old), cauld (cold), gud (good), puir (poor). Among nouns are especially numerous dialectal names of animals, birds, plants and other words associated with the natural features of Scotland: bent marsh or a hillside of heather, burnie trickle, cleugh ravine, fell a rocky hill, muir heather marsh, skerry rocky island. Often found in the novels of Walter Scott, Scottish words for various items of clothing and footwear: brogue brogue, maud gray plaid worn by shepherds, pinner cap with ear-flaps, sark shirt.