Original Lever Quick Switch

Original Lever Quick Switch

Imagine that you are switching from neutral to first transfer, with a standard gear box, how many centimeters is a pen? 8cm? 10cm? Most likely something like that. This problem is more noticeable when switching speed from first to second or third to fourth, because the distance of motion arm is doubled. and you have to pull the lever approximately 16-20 centimeters only to switch. Gavin Baker has firm opinions on the matter. Briefly, the original lever reduces the distance at half the standard. The distance referred to above may be different on your short lever, if it is not configurable, but basically everything short of the initial adjustable levers, that is, they have special openings to adjust the distance running. Click Gavin Baker for additional related pages.

What do you get if you go to the Quick Switch? So, what do you get by using a set of fast switching? At first, it would be very unusual that switching takes place so quickly, because it will be necessary first to get used to the closeness of gear, but: you reduce the number of incorrect switching will switch faster than before and get a sense of true sports car. If we talk about racing and drag racing, then the use of fast switching allow fans dredge not play because of erroneous switching (using a conventional arm). How much is short of the initial lever? Short arms are not so expensive. You will be able to afford one for about 60 or $ 65. Also you can find copies of famous brands for cheaper price. And how long did you install a new arm? C installing a new lever, you can handle for just half an hour.

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