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Month: December 2013

Critical Judgment

Critical Judgment

As the problem if decides in the recital of the aesthetic judgment in the free game and the harmony of the facultieses spirituals that we have and that the object in us produces. The effect of this game it exempts of the facultieses is the judgment of the taste. Therefore, this purely objective judgment precedes the pleasure for the object, basing it for the harmony of the facultieses to know. However, such universal subjective validation of the pleasure, on to the object for the beauty concept, is only based on the universality of the subjective conditions of the judgment of objects. Together with the beauty it comes the sublime one that also it is what pleases by itself.

The difference between beautiful sublime if of the one in the fact of that the first one if relates to the form of the object, characterized for the limitation (or delimitation). The sublime one says respect what it is informs, what it implies the representation of what he is limitless. The beauty produces a pleasure positive, sublime a negative pleasure. The sublime one is not in the things, but in the man. It is presented under two forms: dynamic mathematician and. Mathematician when given by the infinitely great one (ean, sky etc.). Dynamic when data for the infinitely powerful one (earthquakes, volcanos etc.).

Ahead of the two the man if it discovers small jammed e, but it discovers that it is superior to the immensely great or immensely powerful one, therefore loads in itself the ideas of the reason (of the absolute totality) that they surpass what it seemed to surpass the proper man. TELEOLOGIC JUDGMENT the aesthetic judgment possesss a subjective purpose. The teleologic judgment, on the other hand, presents a purpose that depends on the nature. Part of the Critical one of the judgment college is complicated, therefore many consideraes tend to take the philosopher to the metaphysics, repelled in its preconceptions since first the Critical one.

Proposal Pedagogical Politics

Proposal Pedagogical Politics

1 INTRODUCTION the present work with the subject Education of the field, Resume and Practical Social in the Communities of the field in Medicilndia/PA has as practical principle to reflect the reality from educational in the use of its attributions and education in the field. In the same way, to inside collate the metodolgicas conceptions and resume of the social, economic context, religious politician and; thus to be able to analyze the conception of education that if has of the field in its diversity. When coming across with precarious situations in the education; communities desassistidas for the public power; devoid families abandoning its properties; among others, it is important to analyze and to search the causes of as many existing problems in the region peasant of Medicilndia Par. in this dynamics the research work is pautado as objective generality: To understand the relation of practical pedagogical and its consequences in the period of training contemplating to know academics to them dialogued in the axle Education of the Field, Resume and Practical Social. In the same way, to contemplate the following specific objectives; To contribute for the construction of the PPP of the school to make learned being exercised them in disciplines of Didactics; To exercise the action of the planning in disciplines that it acts in classroom; To intervine in the planning process to interdisciplinar in the area of option of the Licenciatura Education of the CampoPROCAMPO; To socialize in the schools/communities where they work/they live and in which the followed teaching period of training of the construction of the report will be carried through, returning what they had observed in 5 Time Community. The presented work of research as subject ' ' Education of the field, Resume and Practical Social in the Communities of the field in Medicilndia/PA' ' , it will be divided in topics in which it follows with the following steps: 1 Introduction; 2 theoretical Recital; 3 Methodology applied in the research; 4 Result and quarrel; 5 Description of the final allotment of knowing and 6 to them Consideraes. In this work the reader will be able to make its reflections, as well as identifying the Education of the Field as one Public Politics. In the same way, to inside relate the pertaining to school resume of the social context, politician, cultural, economic and religious in its local and regional diversity.

The work characterizes an important quarrel; the same it will deal with practical the educational ones in the field and from providing a collective construction there where Local Community, Direction, 6 Advice Pertaining to school, Parents and Pupils will add efforts and make proposals for improvements of education. The proposal of this work is also to contribute for a collective construction of PPP (Projeto Poltico Pedaggico) of the School Benjamim Constant, Community San Francisco de Assis, vicinal of km 85 North in Medicilndia/PA. The same one does not make use of no proper PPP, comes functioning as attached of urban school. when considering that the communities and schools of the field possess its especificidades, is well-known the contradictions in what it says respect to the information contained in the PPP of the city, that finishes for not contemplating the agricultural reality. For this among others reasons are being argued new a Proposal Pedagogical Politics and for the related school.

National Education

National Education

It is important to emphasize that it is by means of this law that the professionalization in average education becomes optional for the schools. Considering average education as final stage of the basic education, in the decade of 1990, a significant space for the philosophy confides, exactly with dubiousness of the law n 9,394/96 – Law of Lines of direction Bases of the National Education, determining its approval, when it affirmed that all student to the ending of average education must have ' ' access to the knowledge of necessary Philosophy and Sociology to the exercise of cidadania' ' , but without having the treatment of it disciplines, combining itself in the set of the transversal subjects. Perspective this kept, more ahead, for the National Advice of Education, in 1998, through Resolution CEB/CNE n 3/98, and the PCNEM (1999) under three aspects: ) the precariousness in the formation of philosophy professors; b) the obligatoriness of disciplines would imply in costs/investments for the education system; c) the inclusion of the philosophy would go to reject the model to discipline of the school. After three years it moves in the Chamber and in the Senate a law project that would modify article 36 of the LDB, introducing you discipline them of Philosophy and Sociology in the resume of average education, being approved in these instances, and 2001, vetoed for president Fernando H. Cardoso, pointing two arguments. The first one would be costs, and as, the lack of qualified professors to take care of the requirements disciplines of them. For the defenders of the reinsero of the Philosophy as it disciplines obligator all these arguments were fallacious. In 24 of June of 2003, it has an audience carried through by the Commission of Education, Culture and Sport of the House of representatives, beyond moving in the National Congress a similar project to already presented in the House of representatives, making reference the Declaration of Paris, with the support of the Ministry of the Education, leaving facultative each Federacy the presence to discipline of the philosophy.